Betta CPR and Collodial Silver


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I'm not sure why my dogs hate bettas, but they can no longer be left alone with them in the car....

After seperating the female betta from the two platys after she have harassed both of them, I put the betta bag in the cup holder, and the two platy's bag on the floor. I ran into the other lfs for about twenty minutes, and to my horror, when I came out, the betta's bag was chewed open, with no sign of the betta. Shocked that my dogs would eat the fish, I looked the car over for about ten minutes, and assumed the worst. I wished horrible bowel problems on the culprit, and processed to drive home, approximately 20 minutes. When I pulled in the garage, for whatever reason, I don't know, I checked my seat again. There, where the back of the seat met the bottom, I felt a little fish body. My heart sank, as I knew that there was no chance she would still be alive. Her body was covered in dog hair and lint, but I still but her in water, and her gills were moving. Desciding whether or not to euthenise her, I knew I couldn't do it, and began trying to get as much dog hair and lint off of her as possible. I gently moved her back and forth in the water, then added five droppers of collodial silver to her water. Through the course of the day, she started swimming up right.

And this morning to my amasement, she iss still alive, and ate this morning. However, I'm concerned about her color on top of her head, between her eyes. I posted pics of her in the pic section. Could it be internal damage?

Fish Pics
Aghh, how sad and poor girlie :( I hope she recovers quickly. I can't let my dogs around my fish either. I catch them watching them and trying to stick their faces in the bowls sometimes when I'm doing water changes. They have even drank water from the containers when I've caught them, so I have to be careful they aren't in there without me. :unsure:
If she's up and eating that's a good sign. I would say keep the temp elevated, get some stress coat in there, add some salts, and hope for the best. The redness on her head could be just bruising from the experience, though I wouldn't count out anything more serious until more time has passed. Good luck with your little lady.
I'm glad you had silver on hand,that's exactly what I would have used too. Here's to your tough cookie :thumbs: May she continue to recover.
hmm doggie treats are cheaper...... :rofl: you haven't left the platies in the car have you i am just imagining all this going on and the platies have been left in the foot well....... :rofl: no seriously its strange my dog wont go near fish now my two cat are different they sleep on the canopy's of my two tank because of the heat but have never bothered the fish at all..... :rolleyes:
The little girl really owes you, Wuv. I know you swear by the stuff, and I'm so glad I listened to you.

I still can't figure out why they ripped open the betta's bag and not the platys'. Maybe they were attacked by a betta before I got them :lol:
I'm happy to report that after a month, the little girl is doing great in the 65 gallon. You would have no idea this had ever happened to her. She's turned out to be a very sweet little fish, that always swims over to the side of the tank whenever anyone comes near (it's all about food, I'm sure). Her fin rot and torn fins are completely cleared up, and she zips around the tank effortlessly.

What a trooper!! :nod: :flex:

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