Betta Concern


Mostly New Member
Oct 11, 2014
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I have a female crowntail betta that has been acting a little differently the last day or so. She is about 8 weeks old and I keep her in a 2.5 gallon filtered tank that is lightly planted and I change water weekly. I noticed yesterday she had no interest in eating her Aquenon Natural Betta Pellets, which I crush up and feed to her (I give her one pellet in the morning and another in the evening) which she normally ate. Also I've noticed shes been laying at the bottom of the tank with the occasional trip to the surface for air. I tested the water and everything is normal, I keep the temperature at 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Maybe I'm just over reacting but has anyone else have this problem? 
How much water do you change each week? Does her poo look normal (not white and stringy)?
I would try bumping the temperature up to 80 or so and see if that helps her out.
I have a 3 month old that i got at 4 weeks old.  A few weeks ago he went off his food for almost a week.  I got him to eat some baby brine shrimp but he refused his pellets.  I thought I would lose him, he became lethargic... but then he suddenly went back to normal for no reason I can see.  I would do extra water changes, it won't hurt, and Like ninj said up the temp to 80.  See if you can get some baby brine shrimp for her to get at least something in her for now. Good luck
Thanks, I'll try and pick up some baby brine shrimp and see if that helps 
I know you said all the stats were normal but do you mind posting the exact stats anyways? Also have you tried bumping up the temperature as the others have suggested???

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