Betta Compatibility


New Member
Mar 26, 2013
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I was wondering if I could put my male crown tail betta into my 29 gal. 
Here are the inhabitants:
6 Glowlight Tetras
8 Neons
2 CAE (Chinese Algae Eaters)
2 Albino Corys 
2 Sunset Platies
1 Balloon Molly
Thank you,
I'm not sure, I have heard that Bettas can mistake Mollys and Platties for female Bettas so that may cause a problem depending on how aggressive your Betta is. Does your Betta live alone now?
What size tank is your Betta in right now?  As long as he has a filter, heater, lights, and enough swimming room he should be fine where he is.
CAEs are known to be extremely aggressive as they get bigger.  What FFF said is also true, Bettas sometimes mistake brightly colored fish for other Bettas! Neons, and Glowlights can by nippy in too small of a group, too, and to be really happy your Cories need at least six unfortunately. 
IMO your tank is already overstocked.  If you were to rehome the CAEs, up the number of Cories, then add the Betta you might be okay.  The tetras would be happier with more, too, but the tank isn't big enough.  If you decide to add the Betta anyways keep a tank ready for him at first just in case some issues arise.
Good luck!
your tank sounds overstocked already...
im going to say no, sorry

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