Betta Compatibility

Would someone be kind enough to list some species of fish that can be kept with a male betta?


I hae had a male better with gold fish and there wasnt a problem at all
I have also had a female betta in with my tropical fish.(tiger barbs,green barbs,mollies etc)
It really all depends on the betta from my experience. Usually bettas are fine with slow, bottom dwelling fish that aren't very colorful or fancy looking. Certainly nothing that will pose a threat to the betta. Fish like cories have worked well in my experience. Ghost shrimp were okay for awhile until my bettas found out they could munch on them for snacks.

Female bettas usually get along with most other tropical community fish. I've kept them successfully with barbs, neons, mollies, goldfish, and cories. Doesn't mean your betta will get along with these fish, but you could always try it out. :nod:

Maybe you could also try african dwarf frogs?
How about guppies, tetras, mollies or danios? I've been told they often work too, is this correct?
I definitely wouldn't risk guppies. They have bright tails and bettas would most likely attack them. I have kept neons with bettas before but I have heard neons can be nippy at the betta's fins. Mollies may work, I used to have a molly with my betta in a 30 gallon and they were fine, but they had plenty of room to get away from each other as well.

What size tank do you have?
10 gallon. :)
I would maybe try the danios. I mean I have never kept a betta with danios before but I don't think they would cause a problem?

you can also try white cloud mountain minnows, although they could be nippy towards the betta or the other way around, I suppose it depends on the type of betta you have. Snails are always a pretty safe bet for bettas. :nod:
Thanks! I've been reading up on the different possibilities and i was leaning towards either danios or white cloud minnows too. :D I was also looking at corydoras catfish, do you know how they go with bettas?
Thanks! I've been reading up on the different possibilities and i was leaning towards either danios or white cloud minnows too. :D I was also looking at corydoras catfish, do you know how they go with bettas?
yes I kept cories with my betta before and at first when I added the cories into my 10 gallon with my betta he went after them for a little while just to see what they were all about but he left them alone after he realized they weren't a threat. I had about 4 cories in my 10 gallon along with my betta. Cories like to be in groups so I'd get 4 in a 10 gallon.
:D Awesome! Thanks for that. I'll definitely look into cories. If i were to get either danios or the white cloud minnows how many should i get? Or could i get a few of each?
:D Awesome! Thanks for that. I'll definitely look into cories. If i were to get either danios or the white cloud minnows how many should i get? Or could i get a few of each?
I would stick to one. Either the cories, the white cloud mountain minnows, or the danios. I am pretty sure all three kinds of fish like to be in groups. When I had white cloud mountain minnows with my betta, he chased them around a bit but they seemed to settle down after a few hours. I had 5 or 6 white cloud mountain minnows, I think that would be okay to put in a 10 gallon. Same with the danios. There are also pygmy cories, which are smaller than regular sized cories. I've never seen them around any of my local fish stores so I don't know if they are rare to find or what but that could be another option.
:good: Thanks for the link. I read that earlier, that gave me the idea of the white cloud minnows. :) I was trying to find some other possibilities aswell which was why i started this topic, most links seem to be non-specific other than saying 'not brightly coloured fish with long fins'.

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