Betta Compatibility


New Member
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
Has anyone found problems with bettas getting along with gouramis? I have had a male betta with some danios and corydoras for a while and all seemed ok. I put two male dwarf blue gouramis in the tank a couple of days ago and he seems quite aggressive towards them....sometmes as if he's stalking them, and puffing out his gills to appear aggressive. Is this normal? Would you expect them to get along or not?
My rescue VT neptune was in a tank with guppies, but was ignoring them and trying desperatly to attack the gourami in the next tank!
So do you reckon putting a couple of female bettas in will distract him or just make him even worse?
Errm, what size is your tank?

putting female bettas in with a male will usually end up in lots of babies, (not good cause you have to find homes for them, think of all the poor VT's in the pet stores....) or death of either fameal male or gourami.

Tankmates for bettas include shrimp, cories, otos......... My ABF doesn't ming him! :nod:
Errm, what size is your tank?

putting female bettas in with a male will usually end up in lots of babies, (not good cause you have to find homes for them, think of all the poor VT's in the pet stores....) or death of either fameal male or gourami.

Tankmates for bettas include shrimp, cories, otos......... My ABF doesn't ming him! :nod:
It's a 70 litre Juwel tank

Errm, what size is your tank?

putting female bettas in with a male will usually end up in lots of babies, (not good cause you have to find homes for them, think of all the poor VT's in the pet stores....) or death of either fameal male or gourami.

Tankmates for bettas include shrimp, cories, otos......... My ABF doesn't ming him! :nod:
...and at risk of sounding ignorant...what's ABF??? :look:
Not sure then about the size, you may be ok but it would be better to hear from those who have larger tanks.

An ABF is an african butterfly fish, stunning animals. Sorry about the big pic!


They spend almost all their time at the top of the water. You can't keep em with anything smaller than a platy though. Why? Have you seen the size of the mouth?
about 3 ins including fins. Greedy little so and so. Don't ever have one if you are scared of having food ripped from your fingers at lighning speed! :blink:
Yeah I wouldn't even put gouramis in a tank with a betta because I've had experiences with a friends tank and he put a male betta in with black tetras and gouramis and the betta got mauled so if you don' your betta to get mauled don't put gourmais in their.

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