my girlfriend has just got a crowntail betta it is in a 54 litre tank she wants to put some guppy's or simmaller type of fish in there with it, is this ok and if so how many guppy's would you recommend.
NOT albino. Albino's are Arican Clawed frogs, get as big as your hand and eat fish. Make sure you are geting arfican dwarf frogs, which don't come in albino (yes, they probably do, but very rarely). Theres also a way whereby you check the webbing on the feet, but I'm not sure which means which. Ask in the inverts section.
Don't worry i have an albino toad myself so i no they grow big i only ment that she loves the idea of having a frog/toad in her tank so i will make sure it is a african dwarf frog that she gets