Betta Companion


Fish Crazy
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Rochester, MI
I have a betta in a three gallon tank that is more long then deep. I have some plastic plants in the gravel that she likes to hide in and swim around. Anyway, it seems very bare and was wondering, what could I put with it? I've heard various things from the LFS, but don't trust them since they told me a CAE was a small algae eater and wouldn't harm my small fish...anyway just keep in mind, no lid and no filter running.

IMO the only thing you could add would be an African Dwarf Frog. Make sure if you go with this that you get an ADF and not an African Clawed Frog. Adding anything else to a tank that size will obviously make for more frequent water changes, but other than that I think an ADF and a betta in a 3 gallon would be fine.
IMO the only thing you could add would be an African Dwarf Frog. Make sure if you go with this that you get an ADF and not an African Clawed Frog. Adding anything else to a tank that size will obviously make for more frequent water changes, but other than that I think an ADF and a betta in a 3 gallon would be fine.

cool thanks! My fish looks like your alfie, is there a proper name for it?

Thanks again!

Bettas are very good jumpers especially females because of their short fins. I would try and make some sort of cover.

I doubt you have room in there for anything else going by inch per gallon rule as your female should attain 2 inches. You could possibly add an apple snail :dunno: I have had great success with these in my tanks lately and they keep the algae down for sure but they do get big so keep up to date on your water changes as you have no filter. They can also climb out so the lid is a must for them too :D
Thanks, I had heard the snail one before and thought it would crawl out with no high can they jump??? I heard the lfs lady say that so i didn't fill the water up so high...
Mine have jumped 5 inches before now and landed on the floor :crazy: luckily it was during feeding while I was there and so managed to put them back and replace the lid. I had a few do it and the least they jumped was 3 inches so would be really nervous, even with low water level not to have a lid on. You can make something easily out of craft canvas :)

The snails are great to watch and come in some lovely colours. Some bettas can nip at their feelers at first but I've found once they are used to them in their tank they leave them alone.
Hey thanks, now I'm quite scared b/c I think the betta is right next to the kitchen sink.... :unsure: i think ill take that into consideration and work on the lid ;) maybe since she/he is so new, they haven't tried it yet, but he/she always seems to swim at the bottom near the plant i put in and move to the top when i give food or trace my finger upwards on teh glass.

Thanks again!
For my tanks that don't have lids I just cut a piece of mesh craft canvas to fit and lay it on top.... I would definitely get him away from the sink. I absolutely hate freshwater snails. In my experience they have only cause more mess than good.... The reason I mentioned the frog even though it is obviously more than an inch per gallon is b/c I really don't believe in that measurements when it comes to bettas. But this is also b/c I think that a 1 gallon is a minimum and obviously bettas are not only one inch long. I have bettas that are extremely messy, and some that aren't messy at all, so I would go mainly by that when deciding what to get.

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