betta compadibilty


Fish Crazy
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
Trumbull CT
i just got my betta yesterday, and now im already begging my mom for another fish lol :D they r just soo cute lol anyways, you know those see through kind of neonish fishies... well can i get one to keep stewart, my betta, company or will htye not get along? :dunno:
are you talking about tetras? if you wnat to put your betta in a community tank you gotta be careful because they will get aggressive.

The thing with tetras is that i heard they are too fast for hte bettas and will nip at his tails, the betta wont' be able to chase them down or anything because they swim away too fast. I have that problem with my white clouds, they like to nip at other fishies's tail and then swim awya really quicly -_-

do not put GUPPIES in your betta tank, guppies have a fancy tail and the male betta will see that as competition.

Gouramis are a bad mix as they go up to the surface for oxygen too.

Personally, my 4 bettas are kept in a 10G tank split with dividers, each section has a ghost shrimp or two, i'm too afraid to put him in my communicty tank lol.
yep, ghost shrimps will leave your betta alone, but sometimes the betta gets a litlte hungry and you'll have to start calling ur shrimp Dinner :) haha

but so far i've kept my ghost shrimps with my betta and none of them have became fish food. They're pretty passive and won't mess with those around them, they just like to feed off leftovers in the tank :) good cleanup crew after a nice big meal lol.
another good companion for a betta are corycats. but you must keep them in atleast 2 or more since they do better in packs..and if you have 2 and a betta id suggest no smaller than a 5 gallon tank. do not put your betta with any other fish unless you have researched it all well..i put my betta with mollies and they seemed fine but gave my betta a disease and killed be very careful
i definitely agree, putting betta in a community tank takes a lot of skill, not saying it's impossible or anything :)
small snails are great for betta tanks, they clean up the excess food and waste as not experinced in the type of snails out there, but i heard apple snails are good and I have really really tiny snails in my tanks that came with the live plants i bought, they are adorable (but the bettas like to pick at them sometimes)
At the moment I have Albino Tetra and Otto’s in with my male Siamese fighting fish, but its best to put the Siamese fighting fish in last and don't keep them with other fish that have fancy tails.

I even have had problems with Red Phantom Tetra getting aggressive with other tetra before but I think it all depends on the individual temperament of the fish.

It can be done just be very careful!
Hi stewartsthebest :)

You have said that you are a newbie. Is that to keeping fish as well as to the forum? If so, there are a few basics that you need to learn to be successful.

Have you kept fish before, or is the betta the first? Do you understand about beneficial bacteria and how to cycle a tank so that the ammonia and nitrites are eliminated?

If your answer is no, no problem, we will help you learn. You have come to the right place. If you do, please do not be offended. I'm sure you will understand that I would rather see a Newbie slow down and help him or her get a good understanding of the basics than encourage someone only to see them disappointed when their fish died.
i actually just got stewart (my betta) yesterday and im not sure about when to clean the tank, how to clean it etc... that why i joined this website to see if anyone could help me lol, thanks for your offer :)
cutecotton said:
i definitely agree, putting betta in a community tank takes a lot of skill, not saying it's impossible or anything :)
Then i must be skilled becuz i kept my betta in a tank with guppys and neons and he was fin untill my amonia and nitrate levels wen up suddenly....then i took him back cuz i didnt wanna see him suffer cuz lll my guppys and neons were fine,

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