Betta Colors


Oct 4, 2003
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i know they're not dyed but why do betta fish have these almost unnatural colors and while i'm on the subject these huge fins and tails that hang down, that seem that they would interfere with swimming, although i don't know. are they like that in nature or a result of many years of selective breeding in captivity?
the fancy finnage serves the same purpose as bright colors on male birds (cardinals for example) and the feathers of the male peacock. to appeal to females for mating purposes. (if you've noticed the females are typically short finned). it also helps them to appear "bigger" to intimidate other males away from territory/prospective females.........
Male bettas are not quite as spectacular in the wild as the aquarium-bred varieties. I'm unsure of exactly how different they are though.
thanks, yeah i guess i should have known it was to attract the females. aren't all animals like that, males are all fancy while females are plain, except for humans, right? :D
thanks, yeah i guess i should have known it was to attract the females. aren't all animals like that, males are all fancy while females are plain, except for humans, right?

guess i aint gonna score with the ladies for saying this but yeah human males are supposed to look better that's why the comestic industry mostly caters to females :rolleyes: (*dodges the eggs thrown by the ladies*)

and yes, bettas are what they are now because of many many years of careful breeding... they weren't all along like that
Well, if the males are suppose to be the good-looking ones, wouldn't the cosemetic industry cater to make them good looking, if they weren't?

Besides, if humans were the same as bettas, all of the men would be good looking, and all of us women would be plain (which we aren't :p ) and all of the "plain" females would be with the hansome males. But since in reality, MOST guys are more visually stimulated, they want a woman that "visually stimulates" them. :lol:

But I also see what you're saying joshua, and I won't be throwing any eggs ;) :lol:

See what a B.S. in psychology can do for (I had to write a paper on this type of thing once, and there was a theory that men were more varied than women, so I wrote the paper on how that belief is still active today...blah blah one cares about that lol :lol: )

On the subject of fish again, though...I think some female bettas have very pretty coloring... :nod:
The hot new kind of betta that is out now is a called the half-moon kind. The tail fin goes a full 180 degrees+ and I have been told that the female is most part of the equation to getting one.
joshua said:
...guess i aint gonna score with the ladies for saying this but yeah human males are supposed to look better that's why the comestic industry mostly caters to females :rolleyes: (*dodges the eggs thrown by the ladies*)
I think human males do look better overall than females. They are bigger and have more obvious muscles. They also have more hair, which can be interesting.....or not. But these things are natures way of making males of our species more "fancy" than females. :smb:

The cosmetic industry is hugh, IMHO, because females are so gullible and many have such low self esteem that they think they can improve themselves by putting on paint. :* :hyper: :*

Aren't we humans silly? :lol: :dunno: :lol:

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