Betta Coccina at my LFS


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 1, 2004
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Washington D.C.
Hi all,

I went to my fish store today, to get some supplies, and decided to stop by the fish section. As I was browsing around, I saw a tank full of adorable little fish, and they called them Wine Red Bettas. And then I saw the Latin name, Betta coccina and then "A rare wild Betta". Now, this fish store is usually pretty good about putting the right names on their fish, and since I came home, I looked it up on the Internet, and they look a LOT like Betta Coccina. But I'm just wondering, is there any other way they could be some other kind of Betta? And do you really think they could have them at my fish store? For $4? I was really tempted to snatch them up, but then I have to set-up another tank...but if they really are Betta Coccina, I will do it! :D

And if they are, any tips on setting up a tank for them? I can set-up my extra 10 gallon, and clone one of my other tanks....I know they like a low pH, dH and kH, dark gravel and backround, planted tanks, and not much light....but what else?

On another note, they did have Deltas in I got a blue, white, and purple marbled one. I'll post pictures of him later, if I can get any decent ones. :)

There are a few species that look a lot like B. coccina---nameably B. brownorum, of which I've had one before, and got from my LFS, much to my unending surprise. They aren't easy keepers, but as long as you do your research (as I can see you've done) and keep water conditions consist and appropriate, they can do quite well in a captive setting. My B. brownorum was with me quite a long while despite the fact that, when I got him, he was already an older fish, and he had not always been very well-cared for.

I say go for it! They're a lovely variety of fish. Just make sure you have EVERYTHING set up before you buy the fish, and you'll probably have to feed him either frozen bloodworms and/or live blackworms. My B. brownorum was given both options as a diet, and he always ate well and behaved like a healthy fish up until he died.
Thanks Kiarra. :) I actually don't think it's B. brownorum, because they seem to always have the blue spot, and these don't have them. Also, they have the kind of coloring one of the males has on the IBC website. The more I look at Betta Coccina pictures, the more I think it's them. I guess I'll have to go get them. :p

And yes, Live and Frozen is not a problem, I can feed those easily, as I have Badis Badis which will only accept that too! Also, testing my water, it comes out just about perfect for them. The pH is 6.1 though....and it says they like 4.0 - you think this will be a major problem? As I know that even .1 can be a lot of difference.

I think I'll get them though...and then post pictures, and see if you guys can identify them for me. :D
i would find out what pH the lfs has them at. you may not have to change anything. i am getting some betta fusca, and although theur description says that they need a very low pH, i talk to the man selling them and he keeps them at higher pH's without a problem...
good luck with them!!
Definitely go for it!!! Google them for more info as it is out there. for $! Still wish I lived in the US!! That is amazing. Go for it. Go for it. go for it!!! Then post lots of pictures and have a lot of people being very very VERY jealous!
Good idea, Newfishies. I'll ask. :)

Anyway, I'm off. The tank is set-up, and I'm letting it run through for a while....I'll post pictures when I get back! If I can get any! :p
Wow, I would so excited if my LFS got some of those. Once you've got everything going like the tank and stability, I'd say go for it. Besides, even if they are a different kind of betta, if they are beautiful, happy, and have some personality, they're worth the $4!
yea they could be coccina they could also be something similar like tussaye or livida. for four bucks i would do it and if i had the space id ask you to buy me 2 lol.
but def. check what ph the store has them at as they tend to like more acidic water and you may need to filter through peat to get that ph.
Well, the fish store keeps them at 6.5, and my water comes out 6.0, so I'm thinking they should be okay. I tested the tank, all water params came out like it was cycled, so hopefully it's stable enough for them! I did take pictures, so hopefully someone can identify them. Off to post the piccies now. :D
Oooh, okies! Do you have any pictures of your's? Because I'd like to compare mine with your's, and see if they really are Coccina. :) And it is okay to keep them in pairs? Good...because that's all they had at my fish store...or at least, from what I can tell they are a pair. Hope so. :D
I already posted pictures...they are a little further down the page. :) And thanks!

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