Betta Channoide


Fish Herder
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
UK, Manchester, M34
Only bought them at the weekend and was feeding them up, looked this morning and caught a glimpse of the female looking lovely and striped and then caught them wrapping :hyper:

How happy am I, the male was just starting to colour up nicely so fingers crossed the fry go to full term :blush:
Just looked em up to see what they looked like! Very nice colouring(was a turqoise pair I found) - they look quite big, are they?
Just looked em up to see what they looked like! Very nice colouring(was a turqoise pair I found) - they look quite big, are they?
They aren't turqoise, they are redish brown. Where did you get them? How much wher they?
Just looked em up to see what they looked like! Very nice colouring(was a turqoise pair I found) - they look quite big, are they?

These are the channoides, nice and small and very slim, got them in a 14 x 8 x 8 tank with just some cory pygmaeus to keep them company.

By the way your link isn't working Cara ?
Hm. It was working. I'll try to find it again - but no, the ones I was looking at looks nothing like them! They're gorgeous though, kinda snake-like. Never heard of them before, where did you get them from?

EDIT: this is where the links to those pics are, that are supposed to be Channoides
Hm. It was working. I'll try to find it again - but no, the ones I was looking at looks nothing like them! They're gorgeous though, kinda snake-like. Never heard of them before, where did you get them from?

EDIT: this is where the links to those pics are, that are supposed to be Channoides
quote]Those are a chiclid, not betta.
Got them from a lf wholesellers in Bolton, only go there to see what they have and usually walk away in disgust but I just couldn't resist these especially when I saw the male guarding a piece of bogwood in full colour.

He looked nice and healthy and I picked a female who also looked fatter than the others and she seems to be doing the deed with gusto.

Bit pricey but I don't smoke or drink and haven't had a nice foreign holiday in the last 2 years so treated myself, should have seen hubby's face when I told the lad at the counter what I wanted !!! :rolleyes:
Congrats on your Channoides spawning.... I assume they spawned by now :good: They're beautiful fish. I haven't had any, almost bought some a couple of weeks ago but they were a little too pricey for me, for now. I just got back into fish a few months ago and my wife isn't too pleased with the sudden build up of tanks in the house so I held off on the Channoides. I did pick up a pair of Edithae and Falx so I can experience mouth brooder bettas for cheaper ;-)

Would love to see some pics of the fry or anything else in the area of spawning those Channoides.

The male is currently holding but strangely the female is still showing breeding stripes, not sure why as I presumed that once he was holding that was it.

Just a waiting game now as to when he eventually spits out the fry, fingers crossed.
fingers crossed Amerce!

Good and bad news, lost the first lot as I disturbed them while the female was playing with one of the eggs, honestly thought it was a white pebble and she was trying to swallow it, seems it is part of the process go figure :blink:

Anyway they did the dirty deed again at the weekend and the male is holding again, so this time I am carefull around the tank, no bright lights, put in another IAL and very careful when putting food into the tank for the female and cory's. :crazy:

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