Betta Changing Colors


New Member
Sep 7, 2004
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If there is a bright spot in the universe I'm in t
I have noticied that my betta changes colors quite often. When the lights are out for a period of time he wil become a lighter color up around his gills and eyes. When the lights have been on for awhile he will go back to his very dak blue. I'm not sure if this is just a natural reaction to light changes but I have been wondering and thought that someone could help me out, thanks!
yeah ur right and also if a betta gets scared of anything he goes very pale
When I stick the mirror infront of mine and he gets all worked up, I find he gets much darker on the body! Other times, when he's relaxed and going about his own business, he can get paler... cheers
thats why i find if my fish are stressed that if i leave their light off most of the time and turn it on for maybe an hour or two a day it makes a big diff in the recovrey
my one does the same thing when i open the light in the morning his very light color but after 5 mins or so he becomes normal again, but the neon tetras get very very light that are almost white but they also become normal aftet 5r mins or so...

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