Betta Chairs


Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2005
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Now, I feel I haven't had my share of stupid questions lately, so I had to drum up a new one, considering I'm going to be re-homing Furin in the 10gal once it's done torturing me with its Fishless cycle.

While looking at my tank, I suddenly realized that, unlike the bowls, there aren't any easy places for a betta to have a seat. :lol:

I have lots of bogwood, and a fair bit of anacharis, a couple marimo balls, and a tiny java fern. I'm waiting for some java moss through the mail.

I know that bettas don't exclusively breathe from the surface, and I'll probably gang-valve an aerator (right now, it's full blast to encourage bacteria production), but aren't bettas keen on sitting on plants? I see my bettas do it constantly. It's funny when they sit on a branch and they're a little too heavy for it, and it sinks down. They always swim off, all disgruntled for having their nap disturbed.

Since I obviously have time, should I look into buying a Large java fern, for my Fu to sit his royal *** on when he takes his royal nap? :lol: You know, to be close to the surface, and whatnot?

I feel silly for even wondering.
Not a silly question at all! Plants close to the surface allow bettas to rest their heavy finnage while breathing. For a 10 gallon, it would def. be a good idea so your boy has a resting place. The heavier planted, the better!
I am 'accidently' becoming quite heavily planted. I started out thinking "oh, all silk, don't have to worry about light." Then I purchased some java fern on the cheap from a local who grows it. Then I got some marimo balls. Then I was made a gift of anacharis. Then I invested in some java moss.

It's like some weird snowballing effect. :lol:

I'm going to wind up removing my two little silk plants to make room for all the real ones. I'm even debating adding some hornwart or some duckweed to make it harder for algea to set in -- since fast growing plants compete with algea for common nutrients.

I think Furin is a strong swimmer, as compared to Sori. I think he'll do fine in the 10gal tank, except I definately observe him as being a 'surface napper', he likes to sit near the top when he sleeps so he can rear up and take a quick sip of air. I don't think my silk plants are strong enough or branchy enough to support him, so I think that something else might be nice to have for him.

I get paid in a week, maybe the LPS will have some non-rotting plants available for me by then (their plant section tends to be... well, awful.)

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