Betta cave... being a labyrinth fish, is a cave inappropriate for the fish??

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
so, in this picture of my nano, getting set up, is a little grey plastic cave, next to the heater control... that came out of my mothers old set up... she had a splendens, that my sister bought her, all mail order, and in a kit... it was only a 1 gallon plastic tank... of course that fish, ( actually 4-5 ) lasted not very long, with improper care, and equipment, and eventually got taken down, by a care giver... I've honestly never had a betta, but it would seem, if they are a labyrinth fish, and a bubble nest builder, that a cave, made for splendens, would be inappropriate for the fish, and just a waste of money, and space in a small tank... but having never having one before, is there any need to put something similar in a Betta tank???

if a cave is required by the fish, I would probably do a cocoa nut shell cave, or something more natural looking, than this plastic cave anyway...
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I would remove most of that wood so the Betta doesn't get damaged fins from the bits sticking out. If it's a short fin Betta you can leave the wood but not for a long fin.

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