Betta caught in vaccum!


Fish Crazy
Aug 2, 2020
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I feel like the worst person ever right now, and I don’t know if he’s going to make it. I was using my gravel vaccum to change Venus’s water when he literally swam right up to it and got sucked up and twirled around in it. His right gill is bloody, his lower fin is torn up, and he has pin holes in a couple places which I don’t know if they were there before. Then he started swimming really strange with his head arched and head vibrates? I’m doing a salt treatment in his tank because he’s been acting funny and now I’m noticing black spots on his fins so I’m not sure if he is developing fin rot as well...? His water conditions have been great so I’m not sure where it would have come from. But anyway, Obviously he is traumatized and he’s laying at the bottom. I’m not sure if he is going to make it and I feel awful.


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I'm so sorry that happened. Don't blame yourself though. It was an accident. I'm not sure how to help other than suggesting to keep the tank really clean to help his fins heal. I hope he pulls through. @AdoraBelle Dearheart @Crispii @Byron
Thank you. I’m doing daily water changes with the salt and I think the salt will end up benefitting any injuries he has too. I just hope he makes it and then doesn’t get seriously infected.
I have had this happen to my betta once, he recovered just fine.

Do the spots you circled look like missing scales to you? Or a skin-deep injury?

He will pull through, keep up the water changes and salt! :)
I have had this happen to my betta once, he recovered just fine.

Do the spots you circled look like missing scales to you? Or a skin-deep injury?

He will pull through, keep up the water changes and salt! :)
The circles are pin holes and then I also circled areas on his fins that seem like fin rot. I don’t see any missing scales.
The fact that you were cleaning his tank should overrule all guilt :). He will make a full recovery, I'm sure of it! Just keep up with your changes!
I'm so sorry that happened. Don't blame yourself though. It was an accident. I'm not sure how to help other than suggesting to keep the tank really clean to help his fins heal. I hope he pulls through. @AdoraBelle Dearheart @Crispii @Byron
I think keeping his water clean with daily water changes, and perhaps the salt treatment is the only thing you can really do, to try to prevent secondary infections and give him the best shot of healing.

As for whether he'll recover, it's too early to say, and really depends on what internal injuries he may have sustained. I'm sorry this happened though, it's very sad. Hope that he does pull through, and that OP updates on his progress.
Bless his heart! One of my cories swam up it when I wasn't paying enough attention, he was spinning round. He was a bit shell shocked and stayed at the bottom for a lil bit, but he's doing mighty fine, no physically obvious signs of damage.
I hope your fishy makes a swift recovery. These things happen.
I think as long as the water is clean to prevent infection, bettas usually recover from something like this. You're doing the right thing. I hope he pulls through!
I did that too. Mine already had a tumor starting by his tail and he couldn’t swim well afterwards. Mine lasted about 3 weeks but he eventually died. We both tried but I think he was on his way out anyway with the tumor. I believe he damaged his spine. Give it time and do just what you are doing. Don’t beat yourself up. I did enough of that for both of us. :(
I did that too. Mine already had a tumor starting by his tail and he couldn’t swim well afterwards. Mine lasted about 3 weeks but he eventually died. We both tried but I think he was on his way out anyway with the tumor. I believe he damaged his spine. Give it time and do just what you are doing. Don’t beat yourself up. I did enough of that for both of us. :(
I’m sorry to hear this :( thank you ❤

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