betta buddies


Fish Fanatic
Jan 2, 2005
Reaction score
Bedfordshire, uk
Ello again

My mum has suprised me :unsure: shes just given me 4 clown loach which are only about 1" long each (far to small in my opinion)

Ive put them in hte tank reserved for when i finally get my betta but what then can i leave them in????? theres nothing else in there i haven't even got any bogwood for the poor things but would that harm my betta?

Its a 5 (uk) gallon tank divided into two
Now tell your mom that you have to re-house the clown loaches and that they need a minimum of 75 gallons. :)

Seriously :| They get around 9"+,not at all acceptable in a split 5. Take them back to the shop and put your betta in the 5'er. Also,bogwood won't hurt your betta.
Yes, 9" in captivity...12"+ in the wild.

I've kept clowns with a betta before (in a much bigger tank mind you) and in my experience the clowns drove the betta insane. They're entirely too active for a betta to live with and he couldn't even "put them in their place" because they would use their switchblade defense to rip his finnage when he tried.

Seriously, clowns are super sensitive and they get ill easily I would take them back because they're going to be so much trouble for you. For starters,I'm willing to bet that your tank isn't cycled yet and clowns have zero tolerance when it comes to cycling a tank. They should only be put in large,established aquaria. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. :/
No worries, i wanted it to be a species tank so the 'clown loach generation 2' was a suprise but not overly welcome one! anyway manage to part exchange them cos i got my betta's now!!!

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