Betta Buddies?!?!


New Member
Sep 5, 2003
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I have a betta in a bowl and it looks very sad. . i also have a 10 GALLON TANK !! ! but its filled with 5 Serpae Tetras, 2 Bala Sharks, and 1 Algae eater. Will it be ok!?!? I feel so sorry for it! (betta is my old fish). THANKS! !!
H20-Cam :fish:
I very much doubt it would be OK and I also very much doubt it is lonely. Bettas are not schooling fish and although a male will tolerate a fertile female in a larger tank, he will even attack a female if she's not receptive and may well kill her. If he appears subdued, test your water. It may be that the bowl is not properly cycled (please follow the link in my sig) or poorly oxygenated. Or that it's simply too cold for him (particularly at night).

If you have to ask, your betta is a male. Females are so different they are sometimes not recognised as bettas. They look like "floppy goldfish" as my daughter described it.

As for your 10 gal - I'm afraid you've got serious potential problems there, quite apart from your idea of adding a male betta. Have you any idea of the adult size of these fish? A Chinese Algae Eater is about 11" when full-grown, and grow quickly. They also become highly aggressive and territorial, especially in a restricted space. Bala sharks grow to 13" and also grow relatively quickly in good water quality. I don't know the scientific name for Serpae tetras but most species of tetra grow to about 2" which would suggest they'd fill the 10 gal on their own.

If I were you, I'd start looking for new homes for your biggest fish in the 10 gal and make sure the betta's bowl is as comfortable as it can be. Maybe more the betta in with some smaller tetras that you get from the LFS in exchange for the CAEs and bala sharks?
Woah. . . i didnt know i had such a problem! thank you soo much for ur help. who knows what would have happend if they grew even bigger! arg im going to give the balas back to the store... i dont want them to be unhappy! :( THANK YOU AGAIN! !! and everyone else THANK YOU!!! i hope to see more of you guys :D
H20-Cam said:
Woah. . . i didnt know i had such a problem! thank you soo much for ur help. who knows what would have happend if they grew even bigger! arg im going to give the balas back to the store... i dont want them to be unhappy! :( THANK YOU AGAIN! !! and everyone else THANK YOU!!! i hope to see more of you guys :D
Hey H2O - no worries, but do us a favour and tell us what you intend to buy before you buy (if you know what I mean). Since people learn best by their own mistakes, it would be better for you to learn from mine than your own ;)

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