Betta Breeding Trouble


New Member
Feb 2, 2004
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hi my betta's had eggs today i seen my male has been droping eggs out of the nest and eating them so i removed him will they survive on there on until they hatch? and the eggs who fell will theey live ? ty :crazy:
From what I understand (and my knowledge is pretty limited at the moment), when the eggs drop from the nest - the male will collect them in his mouth and replace the eggs in the nest.

I have seen this first hand on numerous occassions.

Also, if you are watching him all the time - he may think that you are threatening his nest and start eating the eggs to protect them.

He will also eat bad eggs from the nest in an effort to stop the fungus spreading to the others.

Hope this helps
Yup, joby is right.

Taking the male out may have been a bad move. The male will take care of the fry till it is free swimming. When the fry are free swimming, that is when you should remove the betta. However, putting it back now... it may think it is another betta's nest and destroy it as well as eat all the eggs, or things may just return to normal. Try putting it back in and observe it from a distance. I doubt the eggs that fall down will live. Also, besides putting the eggs back into the nest, the betta also has to maintain the bubble nest.

Well i think he was eating them cuz i put him back and payed no mind to him just came home been out all day ALOT OF EGG GONE! i have about 20 only in the nest and there was about 250 and like 40 at the bottom of the tank! I HATE THAT MALE!!!!! when i breed him agian I DOUBT I WILL LET HIM STAY WITH THE BABBIES HE IS A BAD FATHER also since i just breeded wen can i breed them again dont want to stess them ? WELL I DONT CARE IF THE MALE GET STRESS RIGHT NOW i dont care
That's not a nice thing to say, especially since your name is "Ilovebettas."

Anyways, there are always some fish that don't follow the crowd. Don't mate him again if you don't want to. It's not necessary to have the male in there. if the male keeps eating the eggs, you'll save more eggs if he isn't in there because you won't lose as many if they sink or succumb to fungus. However, the fungus can spread to the others and that's another reason you should have the male in there.

The male isn't necessary, but if he takes care of the eggs, you'll have more fry at the end.
Thats not a nice attitude to take really is it? I failed on my first few attempts and it takes time to get right....

The first time I tried, the eggs hatched and then all the babies disappeared.. More than likely the Male made a meal of them...

You shouldn't have removed it in the first place... Once the fry are free swimming you should be alright to move the male.

I would clean out the tank and start again. Leave the male in there for a few weeks and let him build up a lovely bubble nest... Then go about trying again...

Make sure the female is well though and make sure you treat her with care for about three weeks from now and make her wounds heal..

There are some very experienced people on here regarding this and hopefully they will see this and give you some advice.
Well ok im just pissed off at him n wayz those eggs in the nest most likely is not going to live and the ones who fell are not so should i clean it out now ? i got guppies i can put in there to breed or my bettas agian soon and she doesnt have any bit marks or her if u kno how to breed fancy tail guppies plz help me also how long is there pregency and should i wait and see if the eggs ill still live or no ? or should i breed my bettas again i also toke him out in the first place cuz i seen him eating them like nothing :dunno:
If there are still eggs in there you should leave them and let the nest run its course - you might be surprised.

As for fancy guppies - I imagine its the same as normal guppies - just put a male in with 2 females and you'll have fry in no time.
Well ill leave the eggs for 2 more days and not should i breed my pair agian that i just breeded ? they dont got wounds also the eggs are not going to live i doubt it but ill wait
The female will not be ready for 3 weeks or so, so it's not recommended just yet.
well ok i doubt i leave the male in with the eggs next time he got issues :smb: he dumb
The ones that fell would have normally been picked up by the chap and put back in to the nest. This does look like he is eating them as he can keep them in his mouth for some time...

Just leave the chap in there and see what happens - if you check back in two days and all the eggs are gone - then thats a lesson learnt.

If you check back and there are little hair like things dangling from the nest - then you have fry to look after.
Well im about to go clean my tank out cuz most likely those eggs aint going live :byebye: so i can breed my guppies
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