Betta Breeding Questions & Opinions


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
SOoooo I've taken the plunge, I'm going to breed. :D :rolleyes: Anyways, I've made a list (checkin it twice :lol: ), about what I'll need, and I'd like those who are experienced to give me opinions on the setup I'm planning.

5 (possible 5 1/2) Gallon Glass Aquarium (normal rectangular shape)
25 Watt Heater
Air Pump w/ Gang Valve
Penn Plax Small World Filter
Tank Divider

Also, as I can't get live food around here :X, I have to make do - I have Liquifry Fry Food for egglayers, and Hikari First Bites. Also have a clump of java moss that I'll move from the 6 to the fry tank while they are in there. Unless anyone wants to send me a microworm culture ;) ... lol. Anyways, do you think that will be ok?

As far as tank setup goes - I am going to divide the tank, male on one side, female on other.... and then pull it out when it's time to spawn. Will this be ok? I can do a glass chimney if that really makes that much of a difference, but divider seems fine to me. :dunno: I plan to have a couple options for the boy to blow his bubble nest under - part of a breeding net (saw that on here from someone), styrofoam cup, and some plant parts.

How important is lighting for breeding and raising fry? I think I'm going to put the new 5 under my 10, and then just move the light from the 10 down to the 5 for most of the time. I don't leave it on for the 10, so they won't miss it. Does that sound ok? How long should it be left on?

Ummmmm.... what else. I have a million questions I just can't think of them! Here is a major one - what are y'alls opinions of breeding pet store bettas? That's all I have, and really all I can afford. However, breeders always say NOT to do it. I think I have some pretty nice fish... so should this be a problem? The other thing I need to decide on is what pair to cross - I think I'll start a poll pretty soon. :thumbs:

One more thing - what is the recommended water level you guys have found that works for a 5 gallon? And how long do your fish take to get ready to spawn - ie: put female in, and then how long do I need to wait before releasing her in with the male? I know he has to finish building and then I wait for particular actions, but I'm curious on what seems to be the average. Thaaanks!! More questions soon I'm sure... :p

Edit: Ope, see I knew I'd think of another question! lol. As for conditioning the pair, (once again - can't get ahold of live food).. all I have is frozen bloodworms. Will this be enough? You have to understand I'm on a MAJOR budget.... so the less money spent the better. If I can make do, I need to. Opinions? :unsure:
Quick question for you: What are you planning to do with the children? Sell them to LFS ( cash/credit )? Grow them out and keep them for yourself? Give them to friends/family as new pets?
juliethegr8t said:
You have to understand I'm on a MAJOR budget.... so the less money spent the better.
It's all about the cashflow baby ;)

Everything sounds good so far, in a 5 gallon I use about 7-8" water, I've used the vase and the divider and I actually prefer the divider

You really need microworms,there's a lady on eBay who sells cultures for like 2 bucks, surely you can spring 2.00

The male will never actually finish his nest, he'll work on it continuously (sp?) as they spawn, release when the nest is sufficient enough to support eggs

Breeding bettas is easy, caring for the fry is the hard part

Lighting isn't as important to the fry as it is to the Dad....I leave the lights on for 15 hours before they spawn and for the entire time that dad is in there tending to the nest (days). He must be able to see if any eggs fall etc...
As for whether you should breed the lfs Bettas...well it depends on what you wanted to do with the fry when they grow up...if you were planning on showing or selling for alot of money, it won't happen. But if you're just wanting to do this for the fun and then send the young off to the local lfs/friends/family, then go for it. The reason "breeders" say not to breed lfs fish is only because the young won't be "worth" anything. By worth I mean they won't be high quality color/finnage, which breeders must have. Breeders breed to show and/or sell for high amounts of money, and for showing you can't even show veiltail Bettas (at least IBC shows), and most lfs Bettas are veiltail.

I have a feeling you're just doing this for fun, so I think that's great!! Go for it and enjoy and don't worry about what "breeders" say. And who knows, mabey you'll get a little surprise in your fry and come out with something special :)

well, i've pretty much spelled out the way we do it in my journal post, you can check it out, everyones methods are different, in the end it comes down to trial and error, figuring out what works for you with what you have. it's true that breeding them is the easy part, taking care of the fry is more difficult. IMO, frozen bloodworms aren't going to cut it, they need something live. most pet stores have baby brine shrimp eggs, they are easy to make too so at least do that. i say breed LPS veil tails if you like them, but "show quality" bettas are what we desire at this stage in the game.

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