Betta Breeding Question!


Jan 10, 2006
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How can you tell if a bubblenest has eggs in it?? ive had my red male & red female together for a day. A bubble nest was build stright away but this morning when i got up the nest was about 3 times bigger & the male didnt seem to want the female in the tank he was getting very aggressive so i took her out!! he is just staying around the nest here is a pic, the quality isnt very good though. What do you think???




If you look very closely you should be able to see pinhead sized cream dots amongst the bubbles! they are quite difficult to spot! I'd remove the female for now if they have spawned you should be able to see fry falling out of the nest within the next 24 hours!
Nice thick nest he has there!

If you can look under the nest with a torch shining there you should see the white eggs within the bubbles if they have spawned.

Here is a pic of a nest with eggs in, its easy to see them as there weren't many bubbles, but at least you can see what the eggs looks like that you are trying to spot.


If there aren't any eggs there its possible that one of them ate them or that the male just wasn't ready yet :dunno:
Can't tell from the picture you posted.

But, if you look under the bubble nest... you should be looking for something similar to grains of salt inside the bubbles.
Thanks for the tips guys :thumbs: Sorry for the poor quality pics, i need a good digital camera. It was quite difficult to see this morning, i will have a look later when i get home from work. Just hope its good news!! :nod: P.S i have never seen a nest that big its like trying to find a needle in a heystack!!! lol

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