Betta breeding help


New Member
Dec 30, 2019
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Texarkana tx
Hello I am new to this forum and wanted to ask question I have two Bettas a male and a female. The male I bought a little more then a year ago at a local pet store and the female was rescued off of a lady that kept it in a dirty fish bowl about 3 months ago I have them in separate 3(female) and 5(male) gallon tanks and was wanting to breed them but wanted some tips before I did
Bettas are very easy to breed. Personally, Id suggest putting the pair in a 1ft empty tank with a slow sponge filter, heater and a couple almond leaves. Its important to divide the pair in the tank for at least 24 hours, this will reduce the chance of injury for the female.
The biggest challenge with betta breeding is raising the fry. Once you decide to breed the bettas, ensure you have a stock of small live food ready for the fry. Walter worms and Brine Shrimp are easiest to maintain.

Checkout "Dexter's World" channel on youtube, he has some great tips and a series of step by step betta breeding videos.

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