Hi All-
I am a new betta owner and a friend told me I could put a male and female together. They got along well but started breeding and I don't have the means to raise fry. I seperated them and now they both look sad. I am not certain if any eggs were saved. The male put them in his mouth but there was not a large bubble nest just some bubbles along the top of the tank. Any suggestions on how to keep the two happy and how to I handle if any eggs were fertilized and I get fry?
desperate new betta owner
I am a new betta owner and a friend told me I could put a male and female together. They got along well but started breeding and I don't have the means to raise fry. I seperated them and now they both look sad. I am not certain if any eggs were saved. The male put them in his mouth but there was not a large bubble nest just some bubbles along the top of the tank. Any suggestions on how to keep the two happy and how to I handle if any eggs were fertilized and I get fry?
desperate new betta owner