
New Member
Sep 29, 2021
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North Carolina
Hello! :fish:
I am planning on opening up a specialty fish and reptile store. It was mentioned to me that I should start off with breeding and selling from home, which is probably a good idea for now since I'm looking to buy a new home next year. Once I get my house, I do have a plan to set up a fish room for breeding. I have many years of experience with different types of fish, and a bit of experience with breeding (and I love doing it!). I've decided that I'm going to start with a focus on breeding bettas. I've done research on it and have a nice pair I'd like to start with.
So, my question is, does anyone have anything that they wish they knew earlier when breeding bettas? I am aware that they can have a ton of babies and I don't have an issue buying containers for all of them. I plan to watch a few more videos before I actually go ahead and do it to make sure that there is no harm to either the fish or the babies.
Eventually, I want to have a drip system but does anyone know where to buy small betta tanks (wholesale preferably since I'll be opening the business name at the beginning of the year)?
I appreciate any advice anyone can offer so I can start my first adventure into my new business! :hyper:
Hello! :fish:
I am planning on opening up a specialty fish and reptile store. It was mentioned to me that I should start off with breeding and selling from home, which is probably a good idea for now since I'm looking to buy a new home next year. Once I get my house, I do have a plan to set up a fish room for breeding. I have many years of experience with different types of fish, and a bit of experience with breeding (and I love doing it!). I've decided that I'm going to start with a focus on breeding bettas. I've done research on it and have a nice pair I'd like to start with.
So, my question is, does anyone have anything that they wish they knew earlier when breeding bettas? I am aware that they can have a ton of babies and I don't have an issue buying containers for all of them. I plan to watch a few more videos before I actually go ahead and do it to make sure that there is no harm to either the fish or the babies.
Eventually, I want to have a drip system but does anyone know where to buy small betta tanks (wholesale preferably since I'll be opening the business name at the beginning of the year)?
I appreciate any advice anyone can offer so I can start my first adventure into my new business! :hyper:
a good idea is to get a really long tank and split it into many small tanks? idk i just said something so i can follow this thread
Pet shops that have tanks with drip systems for the male Bettas, usually make the tanks themselves. Individual tanks are easier to move and clean, but long tanks that have been divided with partitions cost less to make.

Betta splendens take a long time to grow the long fins and most male fish sold in shops are between 6 & 12 months old.

If you plan on breeding fish for profit, you need to reduce the time it takes for the fish to grow to a saleable size, have huge ponds or tanks for them to grow in, produce as much fish food as you can so you don't buy it, find a place where you don't need to use much power to heat the water, find somewhere with good clean cheap water.

You will be competing with fish farmers in countries like Indonesia where land is cheap, water is abundant, and they don't need to heat the water. If you live in a city in a cool climate, most of your costs will be water and heat.

The following link has information on breeding fish and includes a fair amount about culturing food for baby fish. Some of it might be of interest to you, and I would suggest you start practicing culturing foods before you breed fish.

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