Betta Books


Fish Addict
Jul 27, 2004
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Santa Cruz, Calif.
What books do you recommend that are about bettas or anabantoids (SP?) in general? I want to buy a good one but am not sure what exactly is good. The bookstores here don't have anything decent so I have to take chances and purchase off the internet.
Though it's outdated, I really recommend Horst Linke's Labyrinth Fish. It is very informative. But newly discovered species can be researched at the IBC website.
Though it's outdated, I really recommend Horst Linke's Labyrinth Fish. It is very informative. But newly discovered species can be researched at the IBC website.

Thanks, that was one I was actually considering. There were pretty reasonable prices for it used online.
For just Bettas, I'd recommend Robert Goldstein's "The Betta Handbook" (Barron's Pet Handbooks). He only vaguely covers other anabantoids, so it depends on just what you're after in a resource. It is affordable and a simple enough read, but it covers background on bettas in the hobby, wild-types, geography, and genetics (great for first time breeders). I managed to pick mine up in a petshop, but its also widely available online.
For just Bettas, I'd recommend Robert Goldstein's "The Betta Handbook" (Barron's Pet Handbooks). He only vaguely covers other anabantoids, so it depends on just what you're after in a resource. It is affordable and a simple enough read, but it covers background on bettas in the hobby, wild-types, geography, and genetics (great for first time breeders). I managed to pick mine up in a petshop, but its also widely available online.

does it include wild types too? or just betta splendens?
does it include wild types too? or just betta splendens?

Two chapters on wild-types (one for bubblenesters, one for the mouthbrooders). Nice pictures and short little profiles on the species.
does it include wild types too? or just betta splendens?

Two chapters on wild-types (one for bubblenesters, one for the mouthbrooders). Nice pictures and short little profiles on the species.

MAM, went ahead and ordered Goldstein's book last weekend. Cost me only 98 cents on Amazon including shipping! But I did have a five dollar coupon from a study I participated in. Can't wait until it comes!
Another book that was highly recommended to me was Frank Schaefer's Aqualog "All Labyrinths". Bit more pricey though. Haven't checked it out myself yet, but thought I'd pass on the suggestion. It covers more than just bettas.
Another book that was highly recommended to me was Frank Schaefer's Aqualog "All Labyrinths". Bit more pricey though. Haven't checked it out myself yet, but thought I'd pass on the suggestion. It covers more than just bettas.

I'm still getting into bettas, I started last summer so a just betta book should suit me fine for the time being. I know eventually I will want to learn about other labyrinths though so I will keep it in mind, but if you check it out, let me know how it is. Also, do you have any recommendations for a fish encyclopedia type book? That's what I'm really wanting to get.

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