Betta Body Language


Fish Fanatic
Apr 20, 2004
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I've just recently added another two female fighters too my already existing 2 females and a male.....however my male is acting very oddly to one of the new females....
Both of the new females are a little larger and alot brighter coloured in comparrsion to the existing females, and even when i got them from work i questioned if the blue one (the one my male is acting rather oddly towards) was actually female....
My male is flaring is plectoral (sp?) fins all the time at my blue 'female' and also at time lying virtually horizontal almost floating on to of 'her' this a sign that the blue 'female' is actually 'male' or is my male just displaying his love :wub: to her....
he is trying to mate with her :lol: you should seriously reconsider keeping males with females unless you plan on them breeding and have the resources and knowledge to deal with the outcome. if they are both males expect them to start fighting each other for territory sooner than you think. things can get ugly pretty fast, be warned.
thanks for the info....
i dont know if this makes any difference, but my male very occasionally tries to nip the female, but she never ever responds back....this was the only thing that had me thinking she was definitly female.....the most she does is swim in the oppersite direction from my
I really would like to try and learn more about Beta's and breeding them, i know they bubble nest but that is about they need floating material on the water surface?....
you could put some floating plant on the surface for the male to build his nest in...

read the pinned topic it has some good info in breeding..

in breeding the male does usually nip at the female so thats normal
phew im glad him nipping his normal, i didnt want my poor female to become to seriously hurt....
i did have a quick scan though the pinned topic, but i shall go back....need to read up and see what i can do to encourage my betta family to breed :)

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