Betta bloated for almost 2 weeks??


New Member
Jan 2, 2023
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Hello i’m new to this forum I signed up so I could get some help with my betta, Remy. He started to become bloated about 2 weeks ago. his bloating has not increased or decreased since then. i have fead him a blanched pea to see if he was constipated the bloating decreased slightly after that but went back up again to what it was before a few days later. he was on tetra betta mini pellets, but he has been switched to omega one betta buffet flakes since i ran out of the pellets. he is still swimming around his tank and blowing his bubble nests and acting normal. he is in a five gallon planted tank with 75-100%water changes every week. i am at a loss on what to do to to make his bloat go down. keep in mind it is not severe bloat but his stomach is more distended than usual.
This is normal probably he has got tumour or something.... Dont agree...add some tannins and fast for a day or two
Welcome to the forum.

I’m not able to tell from the photos that your betta is bloating, but a tank with live plants should provide a good environment for the fish.

It’s not clear to me from the 3rd photo what your substrate is, but my betta is in a 50 litre tank (around 12 Gallons) with sand substrate. I feed tropical flakes once a day which are eaten in around 20 to 30 seconds, and I use a poly tube to remove dirt and plant matters from the bottom of the tank every 10 days to 2 weeks. I remove 10 litres each water change as I don’t consider large water changes in a 50L tank with only a small fish in it necessary. Besides, netting a fish out for a very large or 100% water change is too stressful for a betta and is difficult to manage in a tank with live plants.

I hope that your betta will fully recover soon.
Thank you for the reply! I have added catappa leaves into the water to release tannins. I also fasted him for 2 days and the bloat has gone away! I am going to feed him a small meal tonight and hope for the best. Also for the water changes I have only done 1 100% change and usually only do a little more than 50% he also stays in the tank the whole time. sorry i didn’t make that very clear in my oringal post. :))
It looks as though it’s a case of overfeeding. If you could feed the equivalent of 4 or 5 mosquito larvae a day that will be enough for a betta.
Another important thing is to remove mulm from the top of the substrate at water changes.
If live plants thrive in the tank, the bettas should too - assuming you don’t add excessive (or any) plant fertiliser which might affect the fish.
I have never used catappa leaves, so can’t comment on them.
All the best.

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