Fish Addict
does anyone here have one? pics? i was thinking of making one with either a 29 gallon or 55 gallon tank. (well it wont be a "true" bio tope but close) It would be fully planted with lots of female and one big pimping male..... do you think the tank should be filled fully or have it like 2/3 full with overhanging plants and stuff? any suggestions or comments?
ooops forgot to add that do you think full grown bettas with eat live daphnia? (yes theyre cultured not wild)
edit: do you think i could somehow get some live plants that overhang in this tank without taking off the top?
ooops forgot to add that do you think full grown bettas with eat live daphnia? (yes theyre cultured not wild)
edit: do you think i could somehow get some live plants that overhang in this tank without taking off the top?