Betta Belly Swollen?


New Member
Jan 1, 2023
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Tank size: 75 gallon
tank age: 4 months
pH: between 6.5 and 7.0
ammonia: between 0 and 0.25
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
kH: between 40 and 80
gH: between 30 and 60
tank temp: 75-78

Hello! I am at a loss with this betta ... We have had him (her? - gonna call it him, cause we don't know) for about 5 months. It was in a 10 gallon tank that was doing OK. About a month ago we noticed his belly starting to swell a bit, but he was active/swimming/eating/pooping , so we didn't think too much of it and it eventually resolved itself (after about a week, he did have some lethargy and stopped eating for about 2 days). We moved him into a 75 gallon tank that has been cycled once, and the water parameters are ok.

About 5 days ago, its belly swelled up again. But this time, it turned red/bloated, and when it settled down again (late last night) it looked like the beta had two balls in its stomach (reference labeled "ALTERED" - Couldn't get a good pic of it so I drew what it looked like, they were small balls).

The betta is still swimming/eating (we were doing OmegaOne Color mini pellets , we swapped to Sera Bettagram Color Food 3 days ago from the fish store's suggestion that it might be the food causing the bloat). This morning it's red and swollen again.

We feed the beta only when he is near the surface and available/ready to eat, and watch carefully as we feed him. As soon as he stops eating, we stop feeding (even sometimes before) and we only feed once/day. We tried fasting him for 2 days and saw no difference.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: approx 10-20%, once a week --- 5-10% once a week (cleaning substrate) .. TOTAL: 5-20% twice a week

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: We do Flourish once a week for the plants, no root tabs, and using Fluval Stratum with Sand for substrate. We have Flourish Excel but haven't added it yet in fear of the bettas life. We use Prime with every water change

Tank inhabitants: There are 5 amano shrimp, 1 pleco, and 6 otto's in the tank who are all thriving. He had 1 Cory but the Cory didn't get moved into the new tank.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): N/A

Exposure to chemicals: Co2 at less than 30ppm

Digital photo (include if possible): Included 3 photos, 2 of the side shot when the bloating has "settled down" but is still there (last night) , and one what it looks like when the two "balls" were in his stomach ... 5 pics form this morning


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