Betta Being Normal?


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
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England, Portsmouth
Hi is my betta being normal or do i have a problem with the other fish in the tank. he seems t be hding alot rarly come out any more. in the tank i have 3 platys 3 swordtails a few neons and a bristlenose plec
hiding where? he might just be shy.
when you do see him does he look well?
is he old?
how big is the tank?
have you had him a long time?
has he always got along with those tankmates?
hiding where? plants mostly sometimes near the wood in my tank
when you do see him does he look well? he looked a bit white isnt that stress?
is he old? only had him just over a week so not sure
how big is the tank? 20 gals

has he always got along with those tankmates? one of the female sowrds nips him abit but the rest seem ok
if he's new then it could be part of settling in.
the swordtails and neons aren't the best of tankmates, they'll get nippy with him and stress him out.
being pale is showing he's stressed out.

make sure he's eating and he's got lots of places to hide from the swordies and neons and give him a week or so he may settle in, but if the swordies continue to nip at him it's probably best to consider getting him his own 5 gallon tank to himself.
Possibly when you get the oppertunity buy him his own tank 1Gal+ i say (My oppinion)
What kind of filter has the tank got?- And is the current high on it?

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