Betta Beat Up A Goldfish - Had To Go


Jul 22, 2004
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Check out this posting I just found on my local freecycle:

So here's the deal. My husband, the sweetheart that he is bought me a Bubble Eye Fish who I called Petey and love to death. But I can't have just one fish! So we bought a few more including a Beta Fighting Fish.
The store guy said that they should be fine together. Well they weren't! The beta fish attacked all of the fish and punctured one of the eyes of Petey :( So we of course had to separate the beta from the tank. I put it in the little mini tank (good for one fish or for transporting fish) which I'm willing to give up with some green stones if soeone will come and take this evil fish off our hands. He's beautiful to look at (purple in colour) but don't be fooled! If you want one crazy fish then he's all yours. Please,... PLEASE come take this devil fish! My poor Petey can't sleep knowing he's still out there :(

so here's someone who obviously loves fish (even if they are goldfish) who has been mislead by yet another retard working in a store that sells fish (I wouldn't dignify it by calling it a fish store.)

There are so many things wrong with that situation I'm just rolling my eyes at it all.
I understand from a later posting on freecycle a couple of hours after this first one that the betta has found a new home pending pick-up. I sent the current owner a note with some basic info on bettas and a link that hopefully they can pass on to the new owner.

At least the betta is out of the goldfish bowl - though it's probably sitting in one of those crappy 1/4 gallon excuses for a livingspace now. :/
Gathering from the description- I'll bet it's not even a 1/4 gallon :rolleyes:

Shame really. The poor betta is getting the short end of the stick. I hope someone good takes him off her hands.
This person seems uneducated about goldfish AND bettas. Is this on a forum? I don't know what a "freecycle" is. If it is somewhere that you can get in touch with her, I have some info on both bettas and goldfish she should read; sounds like the goldfish is alone in a bowl (HUGE no-no, habitat and socialization wise), and the betta is now even worse off. Not to mention she mixed a coldwater fin biter with an tropical agressive fish in a confined space. :no:
Pet owners can be a pet's worst enemy.

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