betta battle


New Member
Nov 24, 2003
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I am wondering if anybody else has had this problem:- I have a 16 gallon tank that i have had fish in for about a month now. I have a lovely male betta, 3 zebra danios and 3 harliquin fish. They all got on wonderfully, the harliquins are little so and so's with the betta. I was wondering what else to put in to complete the stock and on doing lots of research i decided on cory cats. Everybody seemed to agree that they get on well with male betta's. HE TRIED TO EAT THEM!!! I had to put him in a glass bowl {from the kitchen, my husband wasn't impressed} and go and buy a little thing to float in the large tank for him to live in. I am planning now on going and buying him his own small tank. Does anybody else have a cory cat killer? I thought they were supposed to get on well!! :crazy:
IMO...the biggest problem with bettas in a community that refuse to accept the bettas authority.
My oldest male lived in a community for awhile, he killed a few fish, but he HATED my clown loaches, HATED them! They wouldn't "do what he told them" and had a mind of their own and he quickly became depressed. I moved him into a 10 gallon by himself.

I think his own small tank is a good idea :nod: ,you'll find that he's much happier in there and he'll acknowledge you more too ;)

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