Betta 'barracks'


Mar 8, 2006
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Okay, I have more questions... I think its a fairly common practice for breeders to use the betta 'barracks' type things?

Is what I'm talking about. Anyways, I know the slots on the bottom would help circulate the water in and out and help keep it clean, but what about swimming room? and flaring? It doesn't seem big enough for them to swim, and yet I always read about you all talking about the 'cups' being too small... :/ does this seem a little... almost hypocritical to others? My other question was, if they can see eachother through the plastic or whatnot, won't they stress themselves out flaring too much? and has anyone else bought fish from this seller and or can they give a recomendation for them?
Personally, I wouldn't ever use that for a permanent betta home... there's just not enough room for them to swim and be fishies. :unsure:
8) no its no good for a permenant home,but it could be very handy for breeders for temporary use.its still alot better than most of the homes bettas get.they are one of the most abused fish in the world i think.atleast theyre not getting beaten up when theyre in those boxes.
:crazy: thats local aquatic shop used to keep bettas like that..until someone complained.... :good: but they are doing it again..their excuse upon being asked was they sell quickly!
I would never use something like that :S each section is only 4" x 2" and 4" high,when you consider a Betta is more than 2" long they cant swim anywhere in them :(
Breeders use these instead of keeping them all in seperate jars and tanks as it keeps the water crystal clear and maintains good quality fish... the fish going in there are only around half an inch long plus their fins because only juvies normally go in there until they can sell them or get a new home for them.

A big no-no for adult bettas. I use beanie boxes for my juvies which are 4x4x8" but only when they are small from 6 weeks old. They are only in for around a month or so then get transfered to a divided tank.

Living in something like that for your life would be like us living in the understairs cupboard :crazy:
I bought one of these to see how they actually work--I buy a lot of stuff just to try then and the ones that don't work often get raided for parts later. Male bettas who constantly see other males close by will usually grow a little blase toward the other males.

Pros: Holds several fish so they won't attack each other but all fish can be kept in warm, clean, circulating water (assuming the tank is kept clean); helps socialize fish that probably have haven't had any contact with other fish since puberty; makes taking pictures a bit easier since the fish can't go too far away.

Cons: It grows algae too quickly and you have to find other places to put your fish while you clean it; when you do water changes on the big tank it's sitting in you have to constantly remember to move the cell-rack to some other tank so the fish don't get left high and dry; can't remember if this one had a top--but if it does it's one more thing to have to remove to feed the guys and if it doesn't the fish can easily jump out into the main tank or each other's cells; suction things never stay sucked and if the top is on, the bettas could drown before you notice the thing is totally submerged; when the bettas settle to sleep their fins stick through the slats at the bottom and get torn up by passing fish; food falls through the slats; and the obvious, cells are too damn small for practical, humane use.
I've used something like that before only the one I had, you could take out the plastic inserts and just use the whole thing for a single male. Worked pretty good too. True enough that the males fins will come out of the bottom when they rest which is why I put a single layer of large gravel on the bottom. The gravel was big enough that it wouldn't block the flow of water yet it kept the fins from poking thru. A small piece of java fern in the corner and it was good to go.
HTH :)

P.S. The reason I did this was because he was a very aggressive male and would stalk my neons. At the time, I had no other place to put him and no room to put up another tank so......

Forgot to add that the one I had didn't use suction cups but rather two metal clips so that you hung this over the top of the tank. No worries about it falling that way! (I hate suction cups!!)
so from what I'm hearing, these should be used more as a home for juvies that have no where else to go. ^_^ I was thinking about getting one to see if the sections really were removeable so it could be one big one, but I have some other things that are larger that I think I'll look into first.
A lot of the reason we despise Betta cups is because 90% of the time (in my experience) the cup is barely filled half-way, the Betta is sitting in it's own waste for who knows how long, it isn't temperature controlled in any way, and the Bettas in the cups are usually full-grown adults.

I would never put adult Bettas of THAT size in those small barracks, and I'd only put juvies in there for a minimal time, but it's a lot more humane than any pet store cup.
I have no problem with stores using barracks... definately better than cups or throwing the bettas into whatever tank they have. I also think barracks are good for breeders, of course only temporary until they are rehomed. For a permanent home -- definately not.
wendywc Posted Today, 12:35 AM
  I have no problem with stores using barracks... definately better than cups or throwing the bettas into whatever tank they have. I also think barracks are good for breeders, of course only temporary until they are rehomed. For a permanent home -- definately not.

Do you mean for multiple bettas or for one single betta? I agree that keeping several bettas in there for life wouldn't be a good situation but what about a single fish? The barracks in the link is 16" long which is a good size for a single male. IMO better than a bowl or vase kept at room temperature....
I meant for multiple bettas... that's how I've seen it used. If a barracks is used just for a single betta, then I can definately see it being okay for the long run. :)

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