Betta attacking new dwarf gourami


New Member
Apr 4, 2020
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Despite many a web page and the aquarium owner telling us it should be okay, our betta (red and blue) is attacking our new dwarf gourami (red and blue).

Straight away the betta started flaring up, but it seemed like it was going to be fine. Until he started ramming and biting the very chill dwarf gourami.

We’ve quarantined the betta (who is very old and on his last legs), but we’re hoping for a solution that will allow our betta to live out the rest of his days in the tank he’s come to know as his home.
You could try a dark colored divider? I have a couple of betta in the same tank with dark blue DIY dividers separating them. As far as the betta is concerned he has an invader in his territory that he needs to kill or drive out. Male betta do not like having other bright colored fish with them. It sets off their sense of vanity.
You are seeing why it is never advised to keep a betta with gouramis. They are both territorial fish which occupy the same region of the tank. You need to separate them asap or one will be seriously injured. Dividing the tank is a possibility if they are the only fish in the tank. Otherwise, one of them needs to be removed to another tank or the gourami taken back to the shop until the betta has passed away, then you can buy another.

Never take advice from a fish store. So many of them haven't a clue. The same applies to websites. Anyone can set up a website with little or no actual knowledge.

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