
New Member
Jul 1, 2003
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Esher, Surrey UK
Introduced my new Male Betta with two females to keep him happy (Shop advice) and after just 48 hrs I am shocked to see chunks missing out of my 2 lovely blue Guppys tails :eek: . When I watch him during the day he is fine with no apparent aggression, so I guess he attacks at night (stealth!) I also put a pair of Dwarf Gouramis in at the weekend, but i cant think that they would be nipping? my leopard tail guppys have not been nipped yet either. I assume tha Male betta thinks the blue Guppys are a threat.
I also read conflicting reports about putting the 2 female Bettas in, but so far they seem to be no threat and as my aquarium is well planted and with rocks and wood there are places to hide. I would greatly appreciate advice before my Guppys are munched!! Thanks all
remove the guppies.. They have a larger tail fin and the male betta assumes they are a threat to him. Petstores are known for shamelessly giving fish keepers wrong information to make money, they don't care if you lose fish. Sometimes you will find a shop where the people actually care but they are far & few between.

I really wouldn't keep the female betta's in with the male either but some have not any problems doing so just be very watchful because the male will kill the females if he gets the chance.

Personally I would leave the male & house the gup's & female betta elsewhere.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, maybe someone else will stop by with other suggestions but I think for the well being of all the fish removing the other's would be best
The male might have mistaken the poor guppies for another betta and tried to fight it. but heres tip SHOULDNT EVER put 2 of the same sex guppies in the same tank they will fight and one will lose. catch my flow? LOL oh and this isnt meant to be mean or angry but juust some tips.hth
IMO you can't keep male bettas with guppies - especially male guppies. The betta looks on them as competition and the guppies have no chance against him. Either take out the guppies, or put the betta in a different tank with tank mates that won't compete with him. I have mine with sailfin mollies (the only reason he doesn't start with the male is coz the sailfin is twice his size) and a lot of bottom feeders. To start with there were male guppies, a male dwarf gourami and a male apisto in with him, but he finished them off within a couple of days :-( too quickly for me to do something about it.
Thanks for all the advice :) - As an immediate temp sloution i will put the Guppys in my breeding tank inside the aquarium, The male guppys have never fought each other in the past so i am sure the Betta thinks they are another Betta.
Gadazobe - did the Betta kill your Dwarf Gourami and should i be worried - sounds like i need to buy a seperate 2 gallon tank for the male betta. I must admit it was my darling wife that wanted a betta and i knew after reading all my books i was entering dangerous waters!!
You can put 2 of the same sex guppies in the same tank with no problems at all as long as there is at least 3 females or no females at all.
He did :-( on the very first day that I put him in the community tank (180 L with lots of plants and hiding places) At first I didn't realize it was him - such a lovely looking fish with a murderous trait :grr: and by the time I did, it was too late. I still have the females he left alone - a dwarf gourami, apisto, and a couple of female guppies. It seems to me that once he got rid of male competition he was happy :rolleyes: (typical male - can't stand competition of any sort :lol: :lol: )
shimanocono said:
You can put 2 of the same sex guppies in the same tank with no problems at all as long as there is at least 3 females or no females at all.
well sometimes the females will fight each other and the males will fight each other :nod:
lol whoops read ur post wrong :*) lol gupppies will get along great i have 1 with 2 twists in his spine but my other male dosent bother him at all
IMO, it really depends on what betta you get. I have two bettas and both have different personality. I had put the red male betta in the community tank with two black skirt tetra, one male guppy and two albino cory. All doing fine. This red betta I have is sweet, it is like he doesnt have a mean bone in his body. :wub: I have never once seen him flare at anyone. :no: As for the other male betta, he is alone in his own tank because he flares alot at the sight of other fishes and he has a temper. :grr: so it's mainly a risk to take. Some people have no problem mixing guppies with betta, some have no problem with two female, and so forth. You just got to take your chance and see what happens but be prepare for back up plan(such as putting them in seperate tank or taking the fish back).

Good luck! :D
Lipreader said:
IMO, it really depends on what betta you get. I have two bettas and both have different personality. I had put the red male betta in the community tank with two black skirt tetra, one male guppy and two albino cory. All doing fine. This red betta I have is sweet, it is like he doesnt have a mean bone in his body. :wub: I have never once seen him flare at anyone. :no: As for the other male betta, he is alone in his own tank because he flares alot at the sight of other fishes and he has a temper. :grr: so it's mainly a risk to take. Some people have no problem mixing guppies with betta, some have no problem with two female, and so forth. You just got to take your chance and see what happens but be prepare for back up plan(such as putting them in seperate tank or taking the fish back).

Good luck! :D
seems to my friend here baseballfan111 that the blue bettas are more aggriseve then the red ones!!!!
from my expeience with bettas I have found them to be very vain. any fancy tailed fish is a threat to his pride and bettas seem to attack when there pride may be hurt. not all bettas are this way but most seem to be. you get the exception from time to time that just seem happy to have a good home and behave well.
OK as soon as I got in tonight I transferred the 2 Male Guppys into the breeding tank - its only small but better than being shredded!! I have left the 2 Male Leopardtail Guppys in the Main Tank as they have been untouched.
I have sat watching them all tonight for 2 hrs and the Male Betta seems so passive to all the fish - just happily ambling along........ what I have noticed is that one of the female bettas is quite retiring.... till she suddenly darts at the fish and they seem scared - especially the baby mollies (about 7/8mm).
SO - COULD I HAVE A VICIOUS FEMALE !! :sly: I really do appreciate all u guys & girls giving me useful tips :)

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