Betta+Aquarium Salt=?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 22, 2010
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I was wondering if you can keep a betta in water treated with fresh water fish aquarium salt??
Not just for treating ich or anything, but, like permantly?
Because I have aquarium salt and wwantted to add it for electrolytes, but I wasn't sure if bettas can be kept in aquarium salt.
you put this in the invertebrates section, not betta :)
I was wondering if you can keep a betta in water treated with fresh water fish aquarium salt??
Not just for treating ich or anything, but, like permantly?
Because I have aquarium salt and wwantted to add it for electrolytes, but I wasn't sure if bettas can be kept in aquarium salt.

well NO. bettas are Freshwater fish. its true salt (marine) can help as a medication. but Freshwater means, Freshwater.
Lol volleyball_rox, wrong section much?? Hhaha

Actually, raptorrex, that seems like the general idea, however, I use aquarium salt as preventative method. There is absolutely no change in my betta (aside from them not catching a disease in over 7-ish months) since I've used it. Technically, it is "salt", but the amount of salt hardly does anything. The maximum amount of aquarium salt --> freshwater tank is actually quite little. Unless you have yourself an insanely sensitive betta to everything, then probably don't use aquarium salt. But I've never heard of issues using it (unless they mess up and super-overdose).
Lol volleyball_rox, wrong section much?? Hhaha

Actually, raptorrex, that seems like the general idea, however, I use aquarium salt as preventative method. There is absolutely no change in my betta (aside from them not catching a disease in over 7-ish months) since I've used it. Technically, it is "salt", but the amount of salt hardly does anything. The maximum amount of aquarium salt --> freshwater tank is actually quite little. Unless you have yourself an insanely sensitive betta to everything, then probably don't use aquarium salt. But I've never heard of issues using it (unless they mess up and super-overdose).

thing is, salt does not work as a preventative, not in any way. its use produces nothing to deleterious, effect. unless used as a MED. "wives tails" abound in fish keeping. salt as a preventative, is just such a tail.
Well aquarium salt (Don't know if there's any difference between this and salt) has done pretty well for me so I'm going to keep using. Up to the OP if she wants to use it or not, but I see little harm in it.
No. betta's are not salt water fish. simple as. every cell of the fish has a certain concentration of chemicals and salt will upset this. Your fish will suffer, and willn linger on in pain, so if you have any affection for your fish DON'T PUT SALT IN THE WATER!!!!! it is not a preventative and not even that good a cure. just don't.

you may also want to buy him a proper tank. making him live in a bowl isn like making you live in a fairly cold cupboard with very little air. it's cruel.
you may also want to buy him a proper tank. making him live in a bowl isn like making you live in a fairly cold cupboard with very little air. it's cruel.

She got a new tank :) about 5 gallons I think
To prevent diseases like velvet, ick, and the like. Don't get me wrong, I do weekly / 2x a week water changes. Nothing can ever replace water changes. I've been using it for several months, and I intend to keep doing so. However, I do not use the recommended dosage - I use less. Perhaps 5% - 15%, around that range.
No. betta's are not salt water fish. simple as. every cell of the fish has a certain concentration of chemicals and salt will upset this. Your fish will suffer, and willn linger on in pain, so if you have any affection for your fish DON'T PUT SALT IN THE WATER!!!!! it is not a preventative and not even that good a cure. just don't.

you may also want to buy him a proper tank. making him live in a bowl isn like making you live in a fairly cold cupboard with very little air. it's cruel.
Excuse me, but the last time I check a 5 gallon glass aquarium with light, heat, and filter is considered a "proper tank" for one betta. And is not considered a bowl.
Correct me if I'm wrong?

Thx for the answers but no need to be snappy!
Just a yes or no. :rolleyes: No need for arguements or questioning ones betta care who did not ask for critiques.
Gosh people.
Oops and wrong section LoL.
To prevent diseases like velvet, ick, and the like. Don't get me wrong, I do weekly / 2x a week water changes. Nothing can ever replace water changes. I've been using it for several months, and I intend to keep doing so. However, I do not use the recommended dosage - I use less. Perhaps 5% - 15%, around that range.

that's the problem, it doesn't. it, may be able to treat them. but as a preventative, not in any way.

and the answer, Vollyball, is NO. salt is no use in this case.
How would you know, though?

a knowledge of what salt does, in an aquarium, would help. add to that the hundreds, if not thousands, of posts, reviewing the use of this "snake Oil." but the main give away is that the fish is FRESHWATER. to me, that could not make it clearer. as fish have evolved to their environment. if they needed salt (in higher quantities than is Freshwater) they would live in such an enviroment. not hope some may come along.

using it is fine, but if you proffer it as a, continuous solution, to other members. i am not the only one who will point out the error.

Honestly man, Freshwater means just that.

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