Betta Anonymous


Fish Herder
Jun 25, 2004
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I have purchased 6 betta's in the past six weeks. Yesterday I was supposed to buy one, and came back home with two :crazy:

Only lack of available tanks (I keep one 2.5G spare in case of leaks in the others) kept me from getting three (I don't have anymore space, seriuosly).

While I love my fish this has gotta stop at sometime. :no:

Reasons for not buying more betta's:

1. The more fish I have, the less time I have to care for each one :sad:

Help me out?
:D Bettas are like cigarettes, easy to pick up, hard to put down, good luck with your addiction. Atleast here your not alone ;)
no sooner did i get my 5 gal set up for 2 of my boys, than i happened upon 2 cute little ladies to occupy the 1 gal tanks vacated by the boys.... now for some tanks in the bedroom.... :rofl:
GuppyDude said:
:D Bettas are like cigarettes, easy to pick up, hard to put down, good luck with your addiction. Atleast here your not alone ;)
That is... very comforting :S

A bunch of Betta addicts all one place. :cool:
I've got at least 20 bettas now, so I'm afraid I'm not going to be of much help! :p
think of it this way; if you didnt buy those fish then someone who could have used them to fight each other and kill each other. Atleast you arent addicting to something, lets :lol:
if you didnt buy those fish then someone who could have used them to fight each other and kill each other.

Oh no.... with that kind of thinking I will hit 20 no time :(
I have 5 bettas right now. And my tropical tank.
It started out with one male betta at the beginning of October. Then a 5 gallon kit that was on sale, so that got guppies. Then I bought another one when I took my housemate to get a betta.
Then I discovered a new pet store. I've bought two bettas from them. I also rescued my poor little white one, Prince Igor, from a nasty Petsmart cup.
Now I have to make sure that my boyfriend stops me from buying more bettas, because my desk barely has room for my laptop!
I was addicted to bettas, but I broke that addiction with various oddballs :wub: You need to distract yourself with different interesting fish :nod: It worked for me :)
Dwarfs said:
I was addicted to bettas, but I broke that addiction with various oddballs :wub: You need to distract yourself with different interesting fish :nod: It worked for me :)
Yeah, I kinda broke my addiction with an oscar and bichir.... now I have MTS, though, and am already scheming about how to get myself a 100+ gallon tank as quickly as possible.
Dwarfs said:
I was addicted to bettas, but I broke that addiction with various oddballs :wub: You need to distract yourself with different interesting fish :nod: It worked for me :)
hmmm.... I think that means that bettas are a "gateway drug" if you will.... first its "oh honey, I'll just get one betta in a small tank" then its ... "dont we have room for another 10g on the counter?" then you are moving house just to accomidate a 55 gal setup ... I'm telling you ... Its a slippery slope. ;)
Synirr said:
Dwarfs said:
I was addicted to bettas, but I broke that addiction with various oddballs :wub: You need to distract yourself with different interesting fish :nod: It worked for me :)
Yeah, I kinda broke my addiction with an oscar and bichir.... now I have MTS, though, and am already scheming about how to get myself a 100+ gallon tank as quickly as possible.
Sound like out of the frying pan and into the fire....
I have 3 5 gallon betta tanks plus 3 other tanks, and a huge 75gallon that I have no place to put...hubby says "No more!" We live in military housing, so I sorta ran out of room...otherwise my home would be full of aquariums. :kana:

It's a sickness. LOL
just move somewhere like me where u only find a good betta twice a year.

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