Betta And Snail


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2013
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Hi everybody,
so i got Casper the betta a friend today, it's a snail!
Great so i got home and put the snail in the tank and the betta goes and attacks it. Don't believe it wanted to hurt it, just see what it is. It's sort of pocking it's shell. Should i do something about this?
What kind of snail is it?  I have nerites with my betta and they seem to do well. I would say that if the behavior continued that i may take precautions.
You could try the "switch the tank" trick, you take the Betta out, then re-organize the decor in his tank, give him a good 10 minutes on his own before you put him back. He may see it as new territory, where he is the newcomer and be more accepting of the snail. :)
Bettas can be very curious, depending on their personality. Evidently, yours is. You could try changing the tank around. But snails have shells for a reason, and I doubt any really harm can come to it if your betta is just pecking at it. How big is the snail?
Llegmore said:
Bettas can be very curious, depending on their personality. Evidently, yours is. You could try changing the tank around. But snails have shells for a reason, and I doubt any really harm can come to it if your betta is just pecking at it. How big is the snail?
It's a small snail. I asked for a small one. About the size of the tip of a thumb.
tmoney7 said:
What kind of snail is it?  I have nerites with my betta and they seem to do well. I would say that if the behavior continued that i may take precautions.
I think it's a mystery snail, they had now info about the snail where i bought it, just asked for a small snail and the worker gave me one. It's yellow.
Yeah I would personally just remove the betta for a half hour and put him in a small container like they already said. When the betta comes back to teh arrangement of the tank changed around.. he will be a lot less aggressive.

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