I have a crowntail betta in a 5 gallon tank and I'm looking to get a RamsHorn snail. I want to know if It will be ok with my betta or if i should reconsider. If anyone knows help me out.
I have a female betta in with three briggs (a type of apple snail). For the most part she leaves them alone, although two of the snail are much much bigger than she is. It depends on the temperment of the betta and the size of the snail. If it's small enough to fit in his mouth, it might become lunch. I've never had ramshorn snails, but I do know there's a lot of different species that vary in size from small to large. Otherwise he should be fine with it.
Snails are a little bit of work in that they produce more waste, so if you have a 5 gallon with no filter or a light-duty filter, you'd have to clean the tank more if it's a large snail. Also, I know my briggs have been much healthier and are growing like weeds since I started feeding them frozen veggies. There usually isn't enough leftover food or algea to sustain a larger snail.
As you can see I'm new around here, so if I've said something completely obvious, feel free to smack me upside the head. Never know how much or how little someone knows about snails.