how many platies? i have platies living with a betta in my 10 gal and it's working out ok although the betta does occasionally go after the platies. but no one's been hurt. i guess it depends on the temperment of the fish. you can try it and see if works out, just don't overcrowd the tank
I've heard a couple people say that because platys are more brightly colored (than say, a harliquin rasbora or something) that bettas are more likely to not get along with them.
I dont' have any personal experience with it myself though -- I always just keep my bettas by themselves to be "better safe than sorry" haha. I guess I'm not too brave.
if you had five platies, your tank would definatly be overstocked, especially with a betta in there as well. I'd go with adding 3 (at most) but a five gallon tank is still not a lot of space for that many fish.
I think you'd do better to go with at least a 10 gallon tank.I have 2 tanks with bettas and platies in them but both are 10s.Mine do real well in the bigger tanks.
platies do grow to about 2 and a half inches so i would probably go with just 2.
generally bettas and livebearers dont mix but i dont speak from experience...
i have seen some of my bettas flare at my platties before from a near by tank but they also flare at just about anything.