betta and platies


New Member
Feb 15, 2005
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Would one betta be ok in a 10g tank with two platies?

If so which is more hardy to put in first.

If you are lucky enough to have a laid back betta, you can possibly make it work,as long as you provide lots of places for everybody to call their own. But it really does depend on the betta as as individual so be prepared to re-house him if you need to.

Also,I'd go platies first as the betta may become even more territorial if he's the first in. He may not welcome newbies too kindly ;)
I have 4 betta girls with 8 platies and a bunch of other fish in my 50 gallon tank, and they're fine.

I agree with earlier post, though, I think it depends a lot on the fish, and also if they're too used to having the place all to themselves. I think tank size matters a lot, too, I've had betta girls having no problem AT ALL with guppies in my 50 gal, then when I moved them (same bettas) to a 10 gal once with a few guppies, the guppies were brutalized overnight. I guess the smaller the space, the bigger chance of aggression.

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