Betta And Planted Tank


Team TetraTEC
Global Moderator ⚒️
Aug 19, 2011
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Hi, I am thinking of putting a live plant in my Betta tank and wanted to ask a question.

My Betta is in a 10G tank on his own, the filter is doing well keeping the water clean at at correct levels, If I add a plant I assume the plant will then be using some of the waste that the filter was clearing which in turn will cause the bacteria level in the filter to drop?
Now if the plant does not do well (in a small tank with v-low light and not dosed with ferts or Co2) and I remove it, would it be likely that I would get an ammonia spike as the bacteria in the filter would need to catch back up with the amount of waste being produced?

I am guessing that 1 Betta would not produce much waste and as long as I did some daily water changes, whilst the filter got back up to speed there should not be a problem?

I just dont want to end up stressing the Betta if I end up removing the plant.

From the theory I know of planted tanks,

If you keep a low tech planted tank, and therefore use a low light plant, yes the plant will use the waste chemicals and therefore be in competition with the nitrifying bacteria. Because plants are more efficient at using those chemicals, the bacteria population will have less food so will starve, die, and drop in population.

If you use a low light plant, chances are it'll do fine. You'll still need to do weekly water changes and vacuum though.

If you remove the plant, then there may be an ammonia spike as the bacteria rushes to catch up. If you do a water change, say, half, then it should be fine.

Bettas love plants. It's a good idea.

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