Hello all,
I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to help me out. I have a couple questions. I currently have a 10 gallon setup housing one male
Honey Gourami and one clown pleco. I'd like to add a female betta in the tank and wondered if there would be some issues with compatibility. Do you think they'd get a long okay. My gourami seems pretty docile. And the pleco is docile as well as long is there aren't any tablets as well. I also had a question about the gourami he seems to dislike the tetra fish flakes. But he seems to take a liking to the plecos's sinking tablet and always try to sneak in for a bite. The pleco doesn't take a liking to this and jumps up at the gourami and guard his tablet pretty fiercely. I wanted to add a couple cories as well but I don't know how wise this is considering how territorial the pleco is around his meal. Any suggestions?
I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to help me out. I have a couple questions. I currently have a 10 gallon setup housing one male
Honey Gourami and one clown pleco. I'd like to add a female betta in the tank and wondered if there would be some issues with compatibility. Do you think they'd get a long okay. My gourami seems pretty docile. And the pleco is docile as well as long is there aren't any tablets as well. I also had a question about the gourami he seems to dislike the tetra fish flakes. But he seems to take a liking to the plecos's sinking tablet and always try to sneak in for a bite. The pleco doesn't take a liking to this and jumps up at the gourami and guard his tablet pretty fiercely. I wanted to add a couple cories as well but I don't know how wise this is considering how territorial the pleco is around his meal. Any suggestions?