betta and gourami compatibility


New Member
Mar 20, 2004
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Hello all,
I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to help me out. I have a couple questions. I currently have a 10 gallon setup housing one male
Honey Gourami and one clown pleco. I'd like to add a female betta in the tank and wondered if there would be some issues with compatibility. Do you think they'd get a long okay. My gourami seems pretty docile. And the pleco is docile as well as long is there aren't any tablets as well. I also had a question about the gourami he seems to dislike the tetra fish flakes. But he seems to take a liking to the plecos's sinking tablet and always try to sneak in for a bite. The pleco doesn't take a liking to this and jumps up at the gourami and guard his tablet pretty fiercely. I wanted to add a couple cories as well but I don't know how wise this is considering how territorial the pleco is around his meal. Any suggestions?
I have a male betta with two gouramis in the same 45 gal tank. I've never had a problem, but MANY have posted on threads just like this one that there can be fights between the two. Sim size, area of the tank, finnage, all factors. So, read up and decide what you can do to limit the problem. I'm sure others will come along and help with opinions and ideas.

I had a dwarf gourami and a betta together, they were not happy together, i have since separated them :(

It is however, situationally dependant. Some bettas are not as aggressive as others, and as said before, colouring and other factors will make a difference :)

How heavily planted is your tank, the heavier the better if your going to try it ..
I have 3 Gouramis in with My emarald Gold and Marble Bettas.

They are fine and have never chased each other.

Its prob because i have created tons of hiding spaces an plenty a plant cover for them.
It's the size of the tank that might be a problem. Depending on the personalities of the fish, they might decide that 10 gal can only hold one of them. If the tank was bigger it would probably go ok. As it is, it's hard to say. I don't recommend it, at least.

If you really want to give it a try, put in as many plants as the tank can fit. Floaing plants too, if possible.

As for the cories, judging by the way your pleco behaves it might be best not to get them. Especially since a 10 gal is really too small for him, which can make him more aggressive than he would be if he had enough room.
Dwarf gouramis are very peacfull and will not harm any thing and the pleco could care less about its tankmate so i say it'll be alright. I bet it would even be fine if you added a male betta.
Paradise_Gourami said:
Dwarf gouramis are very peacfull and will not harm any thing
One could say many things about dwarf gouramis, but "peaceful" is not one of them! Considering their size, they're one of the more aggressive gouramis available. Mostly males towards other males, but sometimes other gouramis or even other types of fish too. And with only 10 gal of room, that behaviour can be worse.

Yours might be behaving well in your 10 gal at the moment, but do consider that there are many fish in that tank of yours. (More than I would recommend for a 10 gal, to be honest.) If there was only one dwarf gourami and one betta, they could concentrate all their attention on each other and their behaviour could be very different.

Besides, for every one person who says their dwarf gourami behaves well, there seems to be 9 others who say theirs don't. It's best not to generalize based on a single case.

And besides again, we're talking about a honey gourami and a betta here. Honey gouramis are usually more friendly than dwarfs, so these species can't really be compared.

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