Betta And Flying Fox?

a 60L isnt big enough for a flying fox im affraid. thye get to 5-6 inches and are very active and fast fish and just wouldnt have the room in a 60L tank. this is also not an ideal tank mate for a betta for the same reasons.
some people keep small tetras etc with bettas with success or maybe a few shrimp and a couple of snails perhaps..... it all really depends on the personality of the betta i guess as to what can stay with him
Thats my problem i dont think any fish suit his personality thats why i thought a bigger fish might be ok.
he was in my community tank for 2 weeks but he didnt like the corys, snails or shrimp and the danios stressed him out.
i think he might have to live on his own =(
i might separate the tank and have some gourami or another betta.
Thats my problem i dont think any fish suit his personality thats why i thought a bigger fish might be ok.
he was in my community tank for 2 weeks but he didnt like the corys, snails or shrimp and the danios stressed him out.
i think he might have to live on his own =(
i might separate the tank and have some gourami or another betta.
I wouldn’t personally separate a 60L maybe just heavily plant it for him. Mines in a 105L with shrimp and otos. X
I wouldn’t personally separate a 60L maybe just heavily plant it for him. Mines in a 105L with shrimp and otos. X
The last response from the OP was in 2010, almost 11 years ago. It’s safe to say he’s not going to respond to you. ;)
The last response from the OP was in 2010, almost 11 years ago. It’s safe to say he’s not going to respond to you. ;)
I don't understand how some of these ancient threads get brought back up, it would be nice if people checked dates before posting...;)
I think these old threads are found when using a search engine. It probably never occurs to anyone that they may not be current threads.
That makes sense...I've been on forums so long, that it's just habit to check dates, personally

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