Betta and Cockatoos


Fish Addict
Feb 25, 2005
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I have a 4 foot, 55 Gal aquarium which has shelves 14” long on each end of the tank. This gives an illusionary 6+ square foot of floor space. The aquarium is fully cycled and heavily planted with a large piece of driftwood in the middle of the aquarium (breaking line of sight between potential territories) as well as 11 terra cotta pots (3-4 inch pots; they are hard to see as they have black sand siliconed to the outside). Click here for a pic of the aquarium.

I am considering adding my 3 year old Betta, Sam, along with the previously planned stock of 3 Male and 6 Female Cockatoos. Is this a sensible consideration? If so which should be added first (Betta or Cockatoos)? If the Cockatoos begin breeding, will they be a threat to the Betta? How much of a threat will be Betta be toward the fry?
Not a good idea,IMO. He's an old male already and the move will probably be too much. And if the cockatoos DO decide to breed,he'll just be too slow to defend himself.And if he even made it that far,he would definitely attempt to eat the fry,provided he had the energy to do so. You'll more than likely find him nose up in the corner floating all day. I'd leave him where he is.
Lovely tank by the way :thumbs:

Any other experiences with mixing Dwarf Cichlids and male Bettas?
Wow,that's insulting.

Are you hoping for just one person to tell you it's a good idea so that you can go ahead and do it? Not likely to happen,but whatever. Good luck to your fish.

Bettas and cichlids don't mix well,especially males. I don't see why you don't want to leave him where he is. It's obviously worked for him for quite some time.
eh, i can understand the desire for more than one opinion... i always get a bit ansty whenever i post in african cichlids--no one ever seems to have anything to say about kribs.

nc, wuv makes an excellent point: cockatoos and bettas are both small and aggressive; but even young bettas are slow just like old cockatoos are fast. and you should know this as well as anyone: the faster aggressive fish typically wins.

if either species was to start something, the betta would lose. i'd not mix them.
I don't know a terrible lot on the species you're inquiring about, but I do know that bettas, particularly older ones who are used to a consistent lifestyle, do not like dramatc changes in their environment. By taking him from whatever he is in now and has been in for seveal years, and placing him suddenly in a massive environment with fast, agressive fish, you could very easily stress him out, which would result in lowered immunity, and at his age, death.
Furthermore, as mentioned, an older betta would probably not stand a very good chance against a robust young cockatoo.
I'd say leave things well enough alone; the betta should be happy where he is, and you won't have the added worry of him when you're breeding your fish.
eh, i can understand the desire for more than one opinion... i always get a bit ansty whenever i post in african cichlids--no one ever seems to have anything to say about kribs.
It's not that I wasn't listened to and obeyed :p , it's just that my comment wasn't even acknowledged. Some people only want to hear what they want to hear.

Random has said it perfectly. The betta will not do well with such a change,not to mention tankmates. I wish him the best, the OP seems deadset on moving him,no matter what opinions he gets :zz

I asked a Group to get a Group perspective... I said "other", which acknowledged your post. What more do you want?

Thank you to the group for sharing your experience and obviously I will not be moving the betta.
I really don't think that's necessary, nc. -_- Wuvmybetta post her opinion, even taking the time to look at the pictures of your tank (I'm assuming, since she said,
"lovely tank"). Is it too hard to thank her for her advice, even if it's not what you wanted to hear? I'd rather have a mod or other experienced member give their honest opinion rather than hearing some sugarcoated response.

Edit: I'm glad that you've considered everyone's responses and decided not to move the betta, though. :)
Thank you :) And I'm glad to hear he's staying in his own tank as well.

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