Betta + Adf= What?

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Chuck Norris is the reason why waldo's hiding
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
San Jose,California
Hello...Im new to the forums and got my beautiful male betta last week at the pet store...Though the pet store that I bought my baby in was so small they kept my betta in a small bowl which was propably under 1/2 a gallon it was smaller than what wal-mart puts theirs in! So far he knows when i'm feeding him..So when I feed him he goes to the top of the tank...Its a funny thing...But sometimes the food comes back out except it looks like Puke... So im not sure if that's normal. He takes it back in sometimes which is gross...I dont think hes sick or anything because hes really active...He likes hiding in the plants a lot. He lives with a african dwarf frog they get along together just fine but some sites say that the betta is 2 aggressive for a small frog like mine and will get beat up...Actually its quite the oppisite with mine they get along very well...

I'm also planning to buy a new one in a half gallon tank is that an alright size?
The spitting out of food is normal - they take the food in and crush it and then spit it back out. Now that it's manageable sizes, they swallow it. When he does that, he isn't actualy puking it up - its more like chewing with teeth in your throat and then spitting it up to re-eat it :p

Most bettas do ok with ADFs but it depends soemwhat on the individual fish. Having said that, I hope you are feeding the ADF a suitable food (live bloodworms or blackworms for example) as some people over-look the fact that they won't live off flake.

I also am not entirely sure what you're asking about the other betta - you want to buy this betta new tank or get a new betta and put it in a new tank (either one that's half a gallon or one and a half)? Clarify this please. I think you were saying you wanted to get another betta and put it in a one and a half gallon tank - that would be fine.

I also notice that in your signature you have 1 neon. Neons are schooling fish that should be kept in groups of 6 at least and need a 10 gallon tank. they also won't work with bettas as neons tend to nip.
The spitting out of food is normal - they take the food in and crush it and then spit it back out. Now that it's manageable sizes, they swallow it. When he does that, he isn't actualy puking it up - its more like chewing with teeth in your throat and then spitting it up to re-eat it :p

Most bettas do ok with ADFs but it depends soemwhat on the individual fish. Having said that, I hope you are feeding the ADF a suitable food (live bloodworms or blackworms for example) as some people over-look the fact that they won't live off flake.

I also am not entirely sure what you're asking about the other betta - you want to buy this betta new tank or get a new betta and put it in a new tank (either one that's half a gallon or one and a half)? Clarify this please. I think you were saying you wanted to get another betta and put it in a one and a half gallon tank - that would be fine.

I also notice that in your signature you have 1 neon. Neons are schooling fish that should be kept in groups of 6 at least and need a 10 gallon tank. they also won't work with bettas as neons tend to nip.

Yeah Im actually still waiting for my tank...I bought a 10 gallon tank which should be here in a week or 2...And for the nipping part my betta does all the nipping in the tank...Which I dont think is good but lately my betta has been doing well and kept his mouth to himself...

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