betta addiction kicking in


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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hi guys, i have a 10G right now divided for four betats, but i want to turn it into a breeding tank right now, so i'm wondering...where can i put the other 3 betats? (have no other tank except for a 25G which already has a bunhc of betta-incompatible fish in it).

I was thinking of just buying large rubbermaid containers to put them in for now. Only problem i'm worried about is the temperature. I'm up ehre in Canada, ontario. Though it's usually very hot in the summer, it does cool down a lot during the night (what with ac and all). Do you think it'd work if i took a room (we have a guest room that nobdoy lives in), cover the ac vent, close the door, keep the curtains up during the day (so the sun comes in), it'll be enough to turn the place inot a suna so i can put hte betats in there? :D

that's the best i could think of...dont' want to spend money getting a new tank setup, etc with heater/filter and all that stuff (i need the money for breeding htem to start).

Anyways, any advice is welcomed :)
I like to buy space heaters. Both sets of my bettas are in contained rooms where I can watch the temp and I keep little heaters in the rooms to keep the room temp higher. You could also wrap a towel around the tank at night and that should hold some of the heat in. My other suggestion would be getting a reptile "night light" that emits heat, but not light. Hope this helps! :)
Hi cutecotton :)

The only way to really know is to check it out with a thermometer. Perhaps over the weekend you will be able to check the temperature at various times during the day and night.

It's the fluctuations that are the real problem. :nod: As long as the room is in the normal recommended range for bettas and doesn't vary more than a couple of degrees between the daily high and the daily low, you will be fine.

If it does, you would be better off to wait and get a heater. :D
yeah :D thanks for replying guys. i've had big problems before with the temp fluncuating all over the place. during the day in the sun ti'd hit high 70s, and then low 70s at night :/ I'll try it out and tell you guys how it goes :D

btw, is it possible to condition bettas on frozen food alone (no live food at all here).
in the winter time-i use space heaters too. when you check the temperasture in that room, be sure to check water temperature, not room temperature because water temp is always lower. you could also buy a reptile heat mat and set the containers on top of it. cobra heat mat
you know that you will eventually need more tanks for gorwout though.
cutecotton said:
btw, is it possible to condition bettas on frozen food alone (no live food at all here).
Yes, lot's of variety though. :)

I keep mine as you mentioned, in a back room with the vents shut. It stays pretty stuffy in there, I have a box fan for circulation and I'll get a space heater when the time comes. For now, they hang at room temp and the room temp changes immensely sometimes, it creeps up to 88 and then plunges down to 81 or 82, the bettas don't mind,even the fry. It's the SUDDEN changes you have to worry about.

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