Betta addiction grows =P


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
Okay so like I said before I went to Petsmart earlier today but didn't have enough money to buy another boy because I had to buy like 4 packages of parasite meds for my 120 gallon that cost like $20.00 (I was only planning to spend about $10.00 on the meds and $10.00 on fish)

So I went back after my boyfriend told me he would buy me the betta I wanted. :wub: So we went and he was there! He has black eyes and his body is a pinkish color with red, purple, blue, and white fins! :thumbs: I love him so much. THEN my mom saw this fish bowl shaped as a fish (it was glass and probably about 2 gallons) and the price above it said $9.99 so she picked that up and picked out a betta that kind of looks like my Angus (red, blue, some black) and then after she got everything she wondered why the receipt said the total was $50.00 when all we bought was a betta, some fake plants, and a glass fish bowl. The fish bowl came out to be like $40.00! :crazy: So she brought it back and got her money back and she said I could have the betta because the whole point of her wanting the betta was the nice fish bowl she was going to get.

So I end up with 2 bettas AND a friend for Toggle. :thumbs: A calico fancy goldy. :wub: With one black eye and one gold/orange eye. Still need a name for him though. :p

So then we went to walmart and I picked up a 1 gallon kritter keeper and came home and re-arranged my tanks! Angus is still in his 1.5 gallon bowl where he will probably stay as he is really happy in there now with his java fern and I don't want to stress him anymore by changing him to ANOTHER tank. I mean he has been in 4 different tanks and I think it is about time he can call this one home. :lol: Pea Princess (my tiny female betta) is in the 1 gallon kritter keeper with a live plant and some marbles and shiny stones. Since she is the smallest of my bettas, I thought she would be good in the 1 gallon instead of putting my newest boy in there. He is fat. :p He's the biggest betta I have now. :lol: And then the divided 10 gallon houses my two new boys. :thumbs:

I will try to take some pics later tonight with my mom's digital camera, but they won't come out too good as the camer kind of sucks. :/ The good camera is at my boyfriend's apartment.

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