

New Member
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
Are there any tropical fish that can live peacefully with betas? Like, say a Platty or a zebra danio or a neon tetra or a guppy or a cory?

I have all of those and was wondering if I could add a beta. He'd be the biggest fish in the tank and was wondering if he would bully the other fish.


- Jay
cories will go fine! ive herad of people keepng white cloud minnows with them but i wouldnt put him in with platys nad swaordires and NOT guppies!
How many gallons is the tank.
The zebra danios may pose a problem but it should be fine if you have enough of the danios that they're more interested in their own school than in the bettas pretty, flowing fins.
No guppies as they see them as competition with the flowing fins, platys might be ok and cory.
Jason said:
Wilder said:
How many gallons is the tank.
I'm going to upgrade to a 29 soon.
I'm assuming that means you have something less than that - probably a 10? In which case, no betta. I'd wait until after the upgrade.

As to your fish compatibility... I've heard bettas aren't fans of neon tets... but then again what fish is. -_-

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