

Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2014
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Im very sad about cant have bettas with my guppy.

Maybe i will buy one tank for bettas, but my guppys are só beautiful to stay with some bettas :(

I love This hobbie :) :)
Im thinking in a nano tank but is more expensive then a normal tank
The bettas would appreciate the higher volume of even a 10 Gallon (~40L) if you go that route.  I know in the US, 3, 5 and 10 gallons are fairly common and easy to find.
I read the link you send and they are só beautiful. :( :(

In my LFS they have bettas with guppy in one tank, and bettA with others fish ( i dont know the name) in other tank.

But they say maybe in my tank dont will work.
What LFS do, and what 'should' be done aren't the same thing. 
Remember that the LFS tanks are for 'temporary' stocking while they look to sell them.  Meanwhile, your home tank would be 'permanent'.
For example, you can temporarily house a fish that will grow very large in a small tank, but long-term that leads to stunting and deformation.  Or, you can temporarily ride an elevator with a bunch of folks, but wouldn't want to live in there. 
Hmmm ok ok so i really need try look for a new tank .

Thanks one more time eagle
In the US they sell a 5 gallon tank kit that comes with everything. And its not that expensive. Around $30 USD. Maybe you could order one online if you can't find one close to you.
Here in germany nano tank with all ( plants etc) 90€
Can you send me some sites for i see and order?

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