Beta Update!!


Oct 31, 2003
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Well by now you all know about my albino Beta, Ghost. Well, he has been sold to a high bidder today for 65 dollars. I am going to buy a new Beta from the next show (hopefully another young Albino) for breeding purpouses. Ghost was aging and loosing his fighting capabilities, so I decided he best go to an owner that will just have him for show. OoH! :hyper: Big Blue one first place at a Flagstaff Beta Tournament today!!! Yay!! He's a bit tired and sitting at the bottom of his bowl, but by tomorrow he will be feeling much better. I upped the protein intake in his diet and he seems much happier about his food.

Anyways, Thought i'd try out my own post today. ;)
BettaBoyz said:
you've got some big :oh: Bettas there FishHeads!

8 inches?

Whoo, what do you feed him; mice? :lol:
Big Blue is being fed this twice a day to keep up his stanima (the other betas get a little less of all the same foods):

Morning feeding:

8 Beta Bite pellets
Pinch of freeze dried Bloodworms
One whole Krill
Very small pinch of Tubafix worms for protein and color enhancement
Vitamin Supliments fed with small portion of tropical flakes


6 Beta Bite pellets
One whole Krill
Pinch of tubafix worms
Vitamin Supliments fed with small portion of tropical flakes

Keep in mind that, for example, Big Blue's length comes mostly from his fins. His head is about the same size has my thumb is round. His tail fin is about three-quarters his body.....longer that is. I am very big on long finned Betas, so I pay extra attention to the tanks they are in, and I watch very closely to the fins in fights. ;) Pictures of Big Blue are coming soon!

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